Updated the product quantity input type to "number" when HTML5 is enabled in settings. Added "ginput_container" classes to time, post title, post tags & post body containing divs. Updated admin styles to make 'Close' link cursor display as a pointer. Added hidden to the Post Custom Field's list of field types. Added Multi-file upload support to the File Upload field. Fixed an issue with email validation when the email confirmation setting is enabled. Populating content templates with the field's variable by default (applies to Post Title, Post Body and Post Custom Field). Fixed issue with form export/import setting inactive notifications to active. AF: Added register and init_addons() function to allow for aid in initializing add-ons and support overriding them. AF: Fixed issue with results page displaying an error message for the Stripe Add-On. AF: Fixed an issue where the Members integration does not list the Results Page capability for add-ons which register a results page configuration e.g. Fixed an issue with Web API developer tools not loading the appropriate scripts. Uses mb_strtoupper if available; with a fallback to strtoupper. Fixed issue with the tab index on single product fields. Fixed issue when using a custom tab index and the post image field with all meta fields enabled where the alt text and post image shared the same tabindex. Added security enhancements. Implemented an "Insert Variable" drop down to easily pre-populate a field's default value with information such as post title, user name, http referrer, and others. Fixed issue with credit card field not escaping translated text properly and causing issues with French translation. Fixed JS error triggered when evaluating conditional logic for Credit Card fields. Allowing multiple total fields to be added to the form so that they can be placed in different pages in a multi-page form. CSS updates to fix small formatting bugs and improve Checkbox and Multiple Choice field layout. Updated the plugin header to include the "Requires at least" and "Requires PHP" properties. Updated the reCAPTCHA settings link for the Captcha field "To use the reCAPTCHA field" message in the form editor. Fixed an issue with the download of files uploaded by the file upload field. Fixed issue with dashboard that excluded forms with no unread entries. Fixed an issue with the caching of the form meta. Fixed issue with drop downs not selecting the correct value when populated dynamically with text and value. Updated the location where the load_plugin_textdomain function is loaded so translations by third-party apps are loaded. Updated way email fields are validated. Removed CDATA from scripts to prevent JS error on some browsers due to a character replacement done by WP core. Fixed issue where converting numbers to WP locale conflicted with numbers provided in conditional logic. Added new field variables (Entry Id, Entry Url, Form Id, Post Id, Post Edit Url) to the "Insert Variable" drop down. AF: Fixed an issue where add-on framework tables don't get deleted when a site is deleted in multisite installations. API: Fixed issue where the data property of the error object was not being populated for the Web API. Fixed detection of domain used for the From Email warning message in the notification settings in certain scenarios. Added support for ready classes in the form editor so the effects of ready classes are visible immediately. Use the Settings API instead. $type = $field->get_input_type(); API: Added GFAPI::get_fields_by_type() for returning an array of form fields of the specified type or inputType. Fixed an PHP notice related to the field specific version of the. Added "Settings" link to the plugins page. AF: Added the "horizontal" property to the settings_radio field. AF: Fixed issue when creating subscriptions upon first subscription payment. Added the gform_enable_shortcode_notification_message hook back, allowing shortcode processing of notification messages to be disabled. Fixed an issue with the date and time field label sizes and text-alignment. Added "District of Columbia" to predefined states and address drop down. Found insideThe Car Hacker’s Handbook will give you a deeper understanding of the computer systems and embedded software in modern vehicles. 0 / 5 0 ratings. AF: Added aliases support to field select settings field to recommend the default field choice based on field label. Fixed a JavaScript error when conditional logic based on the radio button field other input is evaluated. Fixed validation issue with quantity field that didn't honor the min/max setting. WP recaptcha is the only WP Plugin curretly offering reCAPTCHA v3 for Gravity Forms. Credit: Gravity Flow. Fixed issue with preview page returning a 404 on sites where wordpress is running in a subfolder. AF: Fixed Payment Add-On feeds not deactivating when deleting a credit card field from form. Changed email validation so that it accepts valid special characters. Fixed a JavaScript error which can occur in the form editor when trying to edit a field which has been populated with integer based choices via a form object filter. Fixed security vulnerability with password field. Fixed an issue with the tab index of the reCAPTCHA field. Fixed a false positive being identified by some security scanners under certain conditions. Implemented different field types for post custom fields. Fixed an issue with gformCleanNumber() which for some currencies caused an incorrect value to be returned. Removed "Not Checked" rule for the consent field in conditional logic JS. Fixed an issue that causes radio and select fields to show invalid Conditional Logic options. Updated the submit button on the edit entry detail page to have the primary button styles for better visual prompting. API: Added GFAPI::submit_form(). Fixed an issue where Hidden Product fields hidden/shown by conditional logic do not have their price correctly reset. Changed $entry variable when passed to hooks so that it contains the full field value, and not the first 200 characters. Gravity Forms is pleased to announce an update to our Mailchimp Add-On. Fixed issue where number of updates available was being displayed when user didn't have permissions to update the plugin. The placeholder or description can be used as label text when no field label is set. Removed jquery.placeholders.2.1.1.min.js. Added the tabindex attribute to the button input of the multi-file enabled upload field. Fixed an issue where choices property are not correctly reset when changing Post Custom Field input type. Fixed an issue with the confirmation query string when using the merge tag for a currency formatted Number field. AF: Added GFFeedAddOn::maybe_delay_feed() to handle PayPal delay logic and. Added 'gravityforms_delete_entries' permission checks to entry list and entry detail pages. Added field type specific classes to input containers. AF: Added a warning to the add-on settings page which appears if the add-on contains deprecated methods. Updated the REST API settings page to require the settings to be updated before adding new API keys. Updated rgar() and rgars() to support object with ArrayAccess. Fixed an issue that affected the performance of the forms and entries list pages. Preventing "Insert Form" popup script to be displayed on pages that don't need it. Fixed an issue which can break AMP pages generated by some AMP plugins. Fixed entry exports from the Forms > Import/Export page not using the field admin labels since v2.2.5. API: Updated GFAPI::add_form() to return a WP_Error if the $form['fields'] is not set or is not an array. Fixed an issue with the export page where large numbers of entries may cause the export process to hang. Fixed issue with radio buttons and checkboxes field editors getting out of wack upon changing one of the items in the list. Fixed a security issue to prevent code injection. Fixed PHP warning when getting the conditional logic default value for the Time field if an array was returned by the, Fixed an issue with the checkbox type Category field inputs when the. Fixed issue with entry list sorting on certain mySQL installations. Added gform_subscription_cancelled action. Updated the Locking API to use a Heartbeat interval of 30 seconds as standard and 5 seconds while waiting for the response to a control request. API: Fixed a fatal error which occurs when using REST API v2 to get an entry which does not exist. AF: Fixed returned entry not being saved during async feed processing. AF: Fixed an issue with GFFeedAddOn::maybe_process_feed() processing multiple feeds for GFPaymentAddOn based add-ons e.g. LearnDash Achievements - Action: Award an achievement #653. Fixed an issue with the the Dynamic Population setting for the date, email and time fields in the Form Editor. Updated the credit card field HTML5 markup to use an HTML text input with a pattern instead of a number input. Credit: Edi Michael. Fixed issue with AJAX multi-form not being displayed on some occasions. AF: Updated build_choices() method to 'public' from 'protected'. AF: Added discounts to the order data for the Payment Add-On. AF: Removed Setup Fee setting when trial is enabled for Payment Add-Ons. Combining Gravity Types with Mailchimp will offer the company a lot of benefits. Fixed an issue with number formatting on calculated fields. This helps to improve accessibility. API: Fixed a database error in gform_get_meta_values_for_entries() when searching for meta keys with special characters e.g. Fixed issue with number format and conditional logic when number was configured with the comma as the decimal separator. AF: Added support for displaying an icon next to the form settings page title. Removed 'href' attribute from 'Edit' link to resolve IE issue where it triggered the onBeforeUnload event. Added hooks to allow custom confirmation messages (to support the payment add-ons). Use the 'setup' query string parameter (ie. AF: Fixed an issue with the version number being appended to the script/style src attribute when using scripts()/styles() and the version parameter is set to null. Fixed an issue where the spam filter link is not displayed on the Entries page when some third-party plugins mark entries as spam. Implemented list page checkboxes (for bulk actions). Fixed issue with AJAX forms not displaying validation errors. Fixed an issue with the cron task which can prevent other cron tasks from running in the same process. Added security and enhancements to the single file upload field for some server configurations. WordPress Multilingual Plugin Fixed failed state validation when double quotes in consent field labels. AF: Updated the Feed Addon to display a more friendly message when no feeds are configured. Updated the default number of user accounts in the impersonation setting for the Web API to 3000. Fixed an issue with the initial setup where the installation wizard is queued for display after installation via the CLI. Security enhancement: The location of uploaded files is now hidden by default. API: Fixed an issue which causes valid markup to throw an error when saving a textarea settings field. AF: added support for add-ons to create a "Plugin Page", which are pages specific for that add-on linked from the left menu (similar to the old style add-on pages). Resolved conflict with the WishList plugin. Fixed issue with confirmation message that caused HTML entered in that field to be stripped. Fixed bug with default values for conditional logic where any choice with a 'price' attr set (even if it wasn't a pricing field) was incorrectly treated as a pricing value. Fixed issue where entry exports were saved with a .txt extension in Safari. API: Fixed the gravity_form() function not suppressing the tabindex by default. Fixed an issue where merge tags used in the placeholder setting of drop down fields are not being processed. Fixed issue with conditional logic admin not updating values drop down when field drop down is changed. Added support for running Gravity Forms setup from settings page based on "setup" query string. Cleaned up conditional logic so that javascript is not written to the page when the button conditional logic is disabled. Fixed a JS error related to the character counter script which could occur if the maximum characters setting includes invalid characters such as spaces. Fixed an issue where the form editor block generates notices in the JavaScript console. Fixed an issue which causes validation error messages in forms with legacy markup to use the incorrect classname. Fixed a layout issue in the form editor for custom field settings assigned the gform_setting_left_half or gform_setting_right_half classes. API: Fixed an issue with GFFormsModel::save_lead() where fields hidden by conditional logic get saved when updating an existing entry outside the entry detail context e.g. Fixed an issue where merge tag modifiers can remain in the field object and impact display of the field value in other locations such as the entry detail page. API: Fixed an issue with the result of GFAPI::update_feed() where a not_found error is returned when no changes are made to the feed meta. Fixed issue with radio button Other choice not maintaining text when the form has conditional logic. Fixed an issue where the cached settings were not cleared when the add-on was uninstalled. Fixed an issue with the multi-file upload on mobile devices where multiple file selection is not supported. 4.7 | 2020-03-24. Updated CSS file removing IE 7 hacks and removed inline style blocks. AF: Fixed an issue which prevents payment add-ons from rendering delayed payment settings in the feed settings page. Overview Changelog (21) History Comments (21) Gravity Forms Mailchimp Addon 4.9. Fixed issue with trial period amount (fixed amount entered on subscription feed) for currencies other than Dollar. Fixed notice if confirmations object doesn't exist (it could be removed using a hook). Fixed notice in GFFormDisplay::get_chosen_init_script() where $input_type was not defined. Fixed an issue which could prevent the gravityhelp.com support forms being successfully submitted when including the System Report from some sites. Fixed issue where checking "show values" option on multi-choice fields was generating a JS error. Enable creation of post content templates. Removed blank strings from POT file to prevent error messages in Poedit. Fixed issue where gfAjaxSpinner() did not link to a valid default spinner graphic. Added entry id to the list of available fields on the export screen. Fixed styling issue with Entry Updated message. API: Fixed an issue searching entries where the is operator is ignored. AF: Added tooltips to the results markup. Updated product labels to allow html formatting in the notifications and entry detail page instead of showing the html tags. Fixed a bug which causes forms with text-only fields to break the Form Editor which was introduced in AF: Updated note type to use add-on slug when adding a note to an entry. Added visibility setting to product fields so that they can be hidden. Updated minimum WordPress version required for support to 4.4. API: Updated title to "Gravity Forms Web API". Fixed the placeholder attribute not being added when the field or input placeholder is set to 0. Fixed a minor PHP Notice while in debug mode on the plugins page when the WordPress Simple Firewall plugin is active. (checked -> checked="checked", class=' gfield ' -> class='gfield' and closed some input tags that were left opened). Fixed the notification From email address reverting to the default admin email if the value which replaces a merge tag includes an apostrophe. Fixed an issue with the setup routine creating an infinite loop in some situations. Deprecated the gform_after_duplicate_form action. AF: Fixed no output attributes for field choices. API: Fixed an undefined offset notice which occurred when using GFAPI::add_entry() for a form containing a Repeater field when it did not have values in the supplied entry. Credit: Tomáš Očadlý. Removed most font-family declarations & some '!important' declarations from front end CSS (forms.css). Fixed an issue where checkbox values containing ampersands are not correctly exported. AF: Updated process_capture function to set is_fulfilled to true so complete_payment function uses the entry value for Payment Add-On. Gravity Forms is the advanced contact forms plugin for your WordPress Website. Fixed an issue with conditional logic when product drop down is used as a target. Updated required version of Gravity Forms to 1.9. AF: Removed GFPaymentAddon::disable_entry_info_payment() method. Fixed missing confirmation message anchor for AJAX enabled single page forms. AF: Updated async feed processing to get entry and form at processing time. Fixed PHP warning when attempting to check for existing interests when member did not belong to any interest categories. Added error suppression for chmod() and touch() function calls. Added the following countries to the country predefined list and country drop downs: "American Samoa", "Guam", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Palau", "Virgin Islands, British", "Virgin Islands, U.S.". Fixed issue with notification's conditional logic causing notifications to not be sent even when conditional logic was disabled. Fixed issue where conditionally hidden Drop Down fields were evaluated as having a value via conditional logic. AF: Added GFAPI::current_user_can_any() so developers can check permissions before calling any of the other API functions. Added placeholder option to category field. Credit: Paul V. Biron/Sparrow Hawk Computing. Fixed an issue with the tabindex when the form contains a Captcha field which is not the last field. Added [gravityforms action="conditional"] shortcode. Fixed an issue where the border for the section field type is missing for the frontend form display when legacy markup mode is not enabled. Fixed a fatal error which could occur on the entry detail page if a WP_Error is returned when getting the entry to be displayed. Gravity Forms 2.5 RC-2 Release: Out Today! Reading email character set from WordPress configuration. Easy Digital Downloads - Trigger: A user's Stripe payment for an order is refunded #668. Fixed an issue where making a checkbox field the primary key on the entries list page throws a PHP notice. Fixed issue causing checkboxes checked by default to be rendered unchecked in certain situations. Fixed issue with Simple Captcha field not validating because of an extra "input_" in the input's ID attribute. Credit: the a3rev.com team. Updated the HTML heading structure to improve accessibility. Fixed an issue with entry export which may result in an empty export file for forms with a large number of entries. Fixed conflict with minifiers because of @import statements in forms.css. Updated procedure that gets the MailChimp lists so that more than 25 lists are returned (up to 100). Updated the behaviour of the number field to add a leading zero if missing before decimal/comma (ie .5 or ,5 is now validated and stored as 0.5 or 0,5). Updated the styles of the form list and entry list to emphasise alternate rows. API: Added GF_Field::_is_entry_detail to allow GF_Field::is_entry_detail() to be overridden. Fixed issue with static methods not being declared as static. Fixed issue with chosen sprite file name. Added security enhancements. Initially to support the Polls Add-On. Added constant for min wp version and updated min version error to use this. Fixed an issue with the updates page not displaying the "No updates available" message appropriately. API: Updated REST API v2 to support authentication using WordPress 5.6 application passwords. Example form submissions might include: Collecting a wide variety of information or uploads from students; Advanced forms where you want the user to fill out and submit a complex form to complete a lesson; Online or in-person event registration Fixed issue with shortcode wizard adding shortcode to wrong the tab. Fixed an issue with the Post Image field not retaining the title, description or caption values when the form fails validation. GF_Field::get_value_export() and the. Fixed a low severity security vulnerability in the admin area which could be exploited by users with form editor permissions. Fixed styling issue with checkboxes on entry notes. Fixed an issue where post custom fields configured as Time or Date weren't getting properly upgraded to 1.9 format. Changed GFCache::flush() to prevent deleting persistent transients by default. Fixed an issue where PHP notice thrown when a payment add-on failed without providing proper error messages. Fixed issue where 'sack' was not available on some pages. checkbox, drop down, multiple choice) so that users can define values that are different than choice labels. Fixed issue where the database wasn't being updated on every site when updating a network activated install of Gravity Forms, causing forms to display an error after updating. AF: Fixed plugin settings save messages saying feed was(n't) updated when using the Feed Add-On Framework. Added ability to save a predefined choice from the bulk add screen. Added English translations (AU, GB, NZ). Redesigned Export page so that the three sections are in one page. For each form feed, create multiple conditions, and then apply different tags or lists in MailChimp based on the submitted values. Fixed plugin settings content escaping the page at the mobile breakpoint. Fixed an issue with the US/Canada phone field type not validating correctly when the no duplicates feature is enabled. One year free updates & downloads. Fixed fatal error triggered on some servers. View the full WooCommerce Memberships for MailChimp Changelog. AF: Added support for a subscription to be retrieved by a transaction id. Fixed a minor JavaScript issue which could potentially lead to unpredictable results on older browsers. Credit: The GravityView team. Fixed javascript error when deleting a field that was a target for a conditional logic of another field. Fixed an issue where the add-on icon is missing on the form settings screen in Gravity Forms 2.5. AF: Updated select_custom settings field to hide default custom option if custom option is within an optgroup. Fixed an issue during post creation where the value from multi-select type custom fields, created with GF2.2+, were not processed correctly. Added support for the new notifications/confirmations form meta format for importing and exporting forms. Fixed issue with the Parameter Name input value (advanced tab) being pre-populated with HTML code. Fixed an issue with the database permissions check. The true story of a jihadi convert seeking redemption in “a rollicking read and a rare insider’s account of Western spying in the age of al Qaeda” (The New York Times Book Review). Credit: Andrew Bauer - Boston University Web Team. Fixed alignment issues with Form block placeholder elements. AF: Updated GFPaymentAddOn::process_capture() to use GFPaymentAddOn::complete_authorization() if payment was authorized and a capture transaction did not occur. Updated dashboard widget so that inactive forms do not show up in the list of forms. Fixed issue with Addon Browser not recognizing valid licenses. AF: Fixed notices thrown in the complete_payment function in the Payment Add-On. Fixed an issue with the entry list when sorting by entry meta where some entries may not be included in the results. AF: Updated scripts and styles so that they are registered and can be used as dependencies. // do stuff. Fixed PHP notice during submission with WordPress 4.8.3+ when the no duplicates setting was enabled on a field. Updated the placeholders.js script to the latest version (3.0.2). API: Added stylelint config based on WordPress css standards and applied to admin PostCSS. WP recaptcha is very simple to use! Fixed issue where inputs-specific conditional logic was not correctly evaluated on submission. Updated the way date and time fields are dynamically populated and how their default values are reset by conditional logic; will be followed by a more comprehensive refactoring next development cycle. Added CSS rule to prevent a reported display issue where button panels were cut off by the container overflow in the form editor. add_filter('gform_mailchimp_override_empty_fields', '__return_false' ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Users will be able to either type a value, or select one of the email fields in the form. Credit: The team at GravityView. Fixed an issue where price total calculations do not work or becomes unresponsive when legacy form markup is enabled. AF: Updated rgempty() function to support passing just an array for empty() validation. Fixed localization issues on a few strings. AF: Added support for 'validation_callback' and 'dependency' properties for Field Map child fields. AF: Fixed issue causing feed condition to display warnings in certain conditions. Updated font size definitions to em (relative font size) in favor of rem (root font size). Fixed an issue where notification routing initially displays the admin labels in the fields drop down but reverts to the front labels when a new rule is added. Updated the captcha field so that it does not show autocomplete options. Updated Hungarian, thanks to Békési László. Aimed at the moderately experienced Java programmer who needs to build on existing knowledge, this accessible volume covers all the important aspects of standard C++ emphasizing more lower-level C-style details as the book progresses. Updated AJAX calls using sack and jquery to not pass along a cookie because this caused the loading of admin-ajax.php to be aborted for some users. Fixed an issue which prevents non-admin users from accessing Form Settings when no add-ons are enabled. Address) using the entry value and the is not operator. Fixed an issue where the validation message can't be displayed on the last page of a form. Added support for filtering entries using the contains operator for the name, address, single line and paragraph fields. Added popup with "what to do next" options upon saving a form for the first time. Fixed "Index too large" error for payment add-ons. Added a logging statement to help identify the reason for the system report displaying the "Table has not been upgraded successfully" message. Fixed notification settings not being retained when settings form is submitted but not saved. Fixed an issue saving and displaying entry values for checkbox fields with a choice value of 0. Updated file upload field to present a validation error and clear field value when a file larger than the maximum file size is selected. Fixed PHP notices in the form editor when creating a new form with quotes in the description. AF: Fixed select_custom settings field showing multiple validation errors when field was invalid. Fixed issue with feed add-on not refreshing list page when a feed is deleted. Disabling product state validation if field is configured for dynamic population. Fixed PHP notice when receiving an invalid response when registering site. AF: Fixed another issue with simple_condition() function/feature creating javascript errors. Fixed the entry detail/{all_fields} display value for the Single Product field when the quantity input is empty or the price is 0. Credit: the GravityView team. Added the GFEntryDetail::maybe_display_empty_fields() helper to determine if empty fields should be displayed when the lead detail grid is processed. Removed Admin Label setting. Fixed issue with localization where the language file was only being loaded in the admin side and not in the front end form. hyphens. 1.1. Updated form editor to display placeholder content when all fields have been removed. AF: Updated confirmation function to set the transaction type on the entry for payment gateways that redirect to a url for the Payment Add-On. The setting page to allow the label placement form setting to single input field calculated products not saving value... Page would save notes to REST api base URL in the fileupload field a required radio product... 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