(See Black ledger for more information), The Most ancient and most noble house of Slytherin- from Mother (BY BLOOD), Main family vault-2,748,849,923 galleons 901,205,384 sickles. He had put on about six inches and about fifty pounds. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Harry Potter Crossover fanfic, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Helga finally sent Harry to bed after taking his potions. In short, it would be very costly for them. In order for non-violence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. ", "Yes Dobby, would you like to come work for me? "Lord Potter, my name is Bearclaw and I am your account manager. Stories Available as ePub eBooks. Thank You for that. A perfect addition to any library of classic esoteric literature, this edition reproduces famous illustrations. Ronald Bilius Weasley is the best character in the Harry Potter Universe. Harry finally went to the dorm where he was met by most of his house. No one else really has except Abe. When Voldemort comes to kill Lily Potter. "Master goblin, who told the world what happened in Godric's hollow 10 years ago", Hadrian asked exasperatedly. ", "Thank you Bearclaw. Secondly, if your hand did not place your name in the goblet, I'm talking about magical signatures here; you do not have to compete. ", "Well I see my brother is doing a bang up job preparing you for the future. Many nights, he would use his invisibility cloak to sneak into the library and read all night. He had lost his firebolt, his photo album of his parents, the Marauders map and his Dad's invisibility cloak. ", Harry took the knife offered him and sliced his palm open. ", "Thank you, we will see you in the morning. You won't gain any more magical power but the knowledge should give you the ability to better control your magic and your abilities. ", "Master Harry, I has already took everything back and it is your room waiting for you. Bearclaw summoned a box which contained the rings. Found insideThe essays explore a wide range of cult programs, from early shows such as Star Trek, The Avengers, Dark Shadows, and The Twilight Zone to popular contemporary shows such as Lost, Dexter, and 24, addressing the cultural context that allowed ... Harry had finally reached the point where he could care less about their opinions and decided to break all ties to them. He found that even though he had the knowledge, the help with the practical part of the ability was a big help. Harry shuddered. Daphne is … "Lord Potter, my name is Bearclaw and I am your account manager. ", "Damn, that means I'll have to wait until summer. Found insideBased on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, a new play by Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series and the first official Harry Potter story to be ... - Stokely Carmichael, "I found myself in a world of straw, and I came bearing the torch. Will you be available tomorrow? ", "There are a few more things I need help with but I'm out of time for today. He said "Okay Lord Potter, tell me what you do know about your family and your parents. Harry Potter and the Slave-Bonds by Kairou Rated: NC-17 - No One 17 and Under Admitted [ Reviews - 107] Summary: Harry Potter just died and found himself in the in-between where he meets the spirit of magic and is given a unique opportunity to go back and repair most the damage to his life. Percival Graves has been sent by Magic and Death into an uncertain future to help Harry. You Harry are also a metamorph as Rowena and I were. Hermione is being fed a love potion keyed to Ron and seeing Harry in danger wakes her up and she stuns Ron and goes to Prof. McGonagall for help. Cruelty begets vengeance; from struggle comes strength. ", Harry said "Okay" and then flooed to Gringotts. Here’s what I remember: It’s the Goblet of Fire, first task. Neville is married to Katie Bell. I didn't know I was a Lord or anything about my family. This is an unofficial fan site and is not connected or endorsed by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros. Harry Potter and its characters are property of JK Rowling in association with Warner Brothers. 2 Newly Discovered Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories. It really depends what your goal is. Is there anything I can do? Your parents were friends of mine and the least I can do for their son is to help you out. ", "Yes it does Lord Potter. All the blood flew up and infused the parchment and writing started to appear on it. "My Lords Potter and Black and Ladies Potter you need not bow to me. In essence, he formed his own line. After immigrating to Harlem from the West Indies, 18 year old Ruby builds a friendship with Daphne through which they both learn and grow. Challenges. We put a confidentiality charm on it that will not allow anyone to know about it but the parties involved. I'll make sure of it. But yours is a high profile and important case and such I have called for the assistance of the Bank Manager and our king Ragnok "the goblin said all of this in one breath." This is what has linked you to Lady Hogwarts and we will teach you how to talk to her. Just as Harry stood up his cheekbones grew higher and his hair lengthened a little and became a little wavy, also his eyes became a unique mix of Avada Kedavra and Emerald green. "In this story, meet spunky Lily Bobtail, who just moved from the city to the rural Lake District. A daring girl, Lily is the perfect new friend for Peter and Benjamin"-- The boy strode in practically oozing confidence and power like there was nothing in the room that could harm him and by the time he reached the front counter every pair of eye in the room be it goblin or human was upon him, after all you don't see anybody walk into Gringotts without a care in the world, even ABUS DUMBLEDORE was cautious around goblins and he was the 'leader of light'. Sirius Orion vault-256,754,125 galleons 857,265,136 sickles and 483 Knuts, Annual stipend to Narcissa Cedrella Malfoy nee Black-50,000 galleons, Annual stipend to Bellatrix Druella Lestrange nee Black-50,000 galleons, Marriage contract Between House Black and House Greengrass, Hadrian James Black is to wed Astoria Belladonna Greengrass before 21 years of age, Various houses and manors around the world. Chapter 3 : Gringotts and Goblins We named him Elghinnz'hins. Hogwarts-An Escalation is a Worm and Harry Potter crossover where Taylor ends up in the world of the latter due to a Bakuda bomb. Chronicles of Harry Potter by @devildestroyer - Chapter 1. The goblin still shocked at what was written in the parchment handed it to him and the boy looked down at the wizarding paper in his hand. At the age of eleven, she learned about her magical nature and was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. ", Harry said "I'll just get my things then. He looked at Harry over his half glasses to judge the young man before him. If you refuse, whoever placed your name in the goblet would pay the price of the contract. Harry has always known he was special, no matter what his brother said. ", Bearclaw laughed "Ah yes, Lordship and emancipation. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other “If you will Mr. Potter, please stand here in the middle of this circle.” Harry obeyed, and the goblin closed her eyes and starting chanting. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. We have received the statements of your accounts which you have approved along with fund transfer requests. First off, you were an underage wizard at the time and therefore could not compete by their rules. Harry had felt the surge of magic both times he put a ring on. He said "Dobby is so happy to be bonded to the great Harry Potter. This is a Harry Potter/Star Wars crossover without Harry who died at the age of 4. Neville Longbottom was the only person in the entire house to stand up for Harry and was dangerously close to being thrown out as well. He sat there seething at everything he had been put through when the bartender approached him. Harry learns from the founders, Merlin, Le fay, and Pendragen. Somehow, it lacked the same oomph as Harry Potter. A tall messy raven haired boy walked calmly into the Gringotts Bank, London branch, Diagon alley. - Está bien. Harry quickly healed Neville’s hand and then Charlie’s once they had added their blood to the bowl. We can easily track who has been stealing from you. "Where are we going Dobby? Also as soon as I confirmed your identity, my oath to your family as your account manger took effect. There is one thing that has developed as we started. Hadrian James Potter is to wed to Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass before 21 years of age. If I had my guess, my brother is involved somehow. Celebrate 20 years of Harry Potter magic! Have him preform the necessary test to see if this is the current Lord Potter." This starts out a betrayal fic and how Harry recovers and rebuilds his life. Harry had discovered that his blocks had been renewed every year since he arrived at Hogwarts. I did not place my name in the goblet and do not want to compete. Godric said "Since you look so much like me, I'm assuming you are my heir. Aberforth led Harry upstairs to his private office and asked him to take a seat. Besides us and your closest family friends no one even knows you were born. A super harry X harem fic. In addition, this analysis offers an introduction to author Charlaine Harris, whose popular Sookie Stackhouse novels were the inspiration for the television series, as well as a discussion of the role of the fan base and social media in the ... Did your godfather not tell you about your family? They were calling him names and had decided throw him out of Gryffindor House for his cheating. ", "Well Harry, if your name came out of the goblet, it does create a binding magical contract. Basically, everyone I thought of as either friends or family has screwed me over. Going by the look on her face, she didn't impressed as she passed it over his body, but when she passed it over his scar, it was a different look that graced her face : shock, horror ? ", "Master Bearclaw, I was raised in the muggle world and was not aware of my status. Mainly Harry/Tracey some Neville/Daphne. "Albus Dumbl ..." and as the look of realization and then dawning horror came upon the goblin Harry did a little victory dance in his head, 'At least they don't seem to worship him as most of the people' he thought as rage followed the goblin's expression afterwards. The boy strode over the lead goblin and spoke confidently" I wish to undertake an inheritance test" this threw the goblin for a loop as this boy looked like a muggleborn and they never knew about such a facility but that wasn't his concern after all he was going to make 100 galleons he sneered "Follow me boy" and promptly took off at a brisk pace through the lobby of Gringotts. ", Harry looked at him and said "What did you call me? One of the subjects he studied closely was the art of healing. Do you have a house elf? Chapter 47 Waking up, Daphne's talk with her mother and Ginny Breaks. It still amazed him when he spotted the large white building. "Calm down young wizard, I am King Ragnok the third of the goblin nation" He said while raising his hands in a placating gesture. Your review has been posted. ", "I, Lord Harry James Potter-Gryffindor, claim Dobby as my personal house elf. Harry had a big grin and asked for a bag of galleons so he would have some spending money and was also given a Gringotts' credit card with no limit. Sentenced to Azkaban for helping his Godfather.Tortured, beaten and betray at the point of no return. Bearclaw said he would file it with the ministry when they were fully prepared to disclose Harry's status. Priceless jewels and jewelry-124,533,360 galleons and 946,294,132 sickles. Well, the eyes say you must be Rowena's too. Top 10 Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass Fanfiction. Such magic was often difficult to perform, and could have unexpected or volatile results if not done properly. Oh and Angelina, good luck with the team. When the last one hit the cut in Harry's palm healed and they watched as writing appeared on the parchment. After about a year's work of work, Harry could now proudly say he was fluent in the language. ", Bearclaw said "Yes that was next, we removed the cursed scar during the ritual. She also told us you were my heir. Ron and Hermione didn't believe him and had even gone so far as to start talking behind his back. The only thing he could figure out was that Professor Snape was the one who brewed them. The moment Harry walks into the kitchen Wissy pops in to says "Wissy thinks Master is hungry. Taylor does not meet Harry … None of the professors believed him and he received constant glares from most of them, even his own head of house and the Headmaster. Furlings are the Goblins. Bearclaw led him to his office and called for the Potter ledgers. A fan of fanfiction is inserted into the Canon Harry Potter, the problem is fanon has long replaced canon in their head. Upon the stone was a silver Gryffin with a golden mane. He was not one to limit his studies and was proficient in many different fields. Harry had been instructed to lay on a stone slab in the middle of the room as an old Goblin had came in the room and started chanting. Harry Potter unlocks the weapon of the Peverell House, The house that controls the Deathly Hallows and a long lost weapon the Sharingan. Harry said "This is so cool, let's do the emancipation and can we keep it quiet for now. Some people won't let the world drag them down. Even though Godric Gryffindor was a Potter, when he took the name of Gryffindor, he gave up his rights to the Potter name. There are also potions with the signatures of Snape, Pomfrey, and Molly Weasley. ", Ron smirked and said "No, we took anything of value and threw the rest out. You have been straight with me so far and as such I trust you. (For more information regarding the contract see Black Ledger), The Most ancient and most noble house of Le fay-(By Magic), Main Vault-3,356,643,854 galleons 983,963,233 sickles and 873,493 Knuts, Jewelry-914,128,468 galleons and 990,292 sickles, The most ancient and most noble house of Emrys (By the rite of conquest), PARSELMOUTH (from Slytherin and Black heritage), ELEMENTAL (Air from Emrys, Lightning from Le Fay, Fire from Gryffindor, Water from Black), NATURAL OCCLUMENSCORE BINDINGS- 90% Core bound by Albus Dumbledore on Samhain, 1981 (Bindings eroded over the years, 50% core bound), MULTI ANIMAGUS (Has more than one animagus form), BEASTLINGUAL (Can talk to any magical or non-magical animal), INCUBUS (Powers will manifest on 11 years of age). He showered and thought back to what he had been taught last night and shrunk his features down to his old self. Offers entries on 24 of the significant archetypes of horror and the supernatural, from the classical epics of Homer to the novels of Stephen King. Hanging with the Goblins. Bearclaw instructed him to put them on one at a time on the same finger. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Harry pulled on a pair of his better jeans, converse, a plain green T-shirt and a grey worn jacket, he had gotten a message from the Potter account manager Sharknail. Harry's Sexy One-Shots by Dasteiza. J. K. Rowling did a masterful job of world-creation with the whole Wizarding-world-separate-and-hidden thing. After the 2 goblins finished their conversation, the goblin healer, who presented herself as Dullblade, started passing her hands a few inches above Harry's body and head. This contract is very different from the others I've seen but at least it left a way out although it would be expensive. You also just gained two seats on the Wizengamot. ", "I'll introduce you later but you would know them as Rowena, Salazar, and Helga.". Fanfiction. However, we made the thing so we know how it works. "You are Hadrian James Potter, Brother to The-Boy-who-lived, Adrian Charlus Potter" The goblin spoke slowly as if judging each word. Two Black scavengers emerge from the underbrush loaded with their total possessions: the makings of a shack and a battery of pots and pans, but nothing to cook in them. That was extensive and …shocking to say the least, now identified Hadrian Potter thought.He looked up towards the Goblin and passed the paper back to him. We were lead to believe you didn't want to have that responsibility yet by your Headmaster and godfather. ", "I see your point Lord Potter, first we will need a drop of your blood for legal reasons to verify your claims and then we will proceed. By ladyrosel Ongoing - Updated Mar 19, 2018. She doesn't really care. He dosn't A.K. "That's just it Master Bearclaw. The result is that you are heir to both Gryffindor and Potter. Older story. Therefore, how could I make that decision if I didn't even know the option existed? Fanfiction. Pettigrew had just seen James and Lily out for the night and had put the nonuplets to bed ready for the Dark Lord. Let whoever put your name in pay the price just for the betrayal. Firenze (Harry Potter) Goblins (Harry Potter) Multiple Crossovers; Summary. "Please call me Harry" and he told him all he knew about James and Lily and the Potters. We also have several Goblin curse breakers present. Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHermione's dependency on books Minister Hermione Jean Granger (b. This will eventually be a crossover but I still haven't figured which world to cross it with. The Goblin glanced up at him and then said "Yes Sir, I will go get your account manager." One where they aren't going to swear Harry their allegiance because he remembers Griphook's name, but they aren't just dismissed as ruthless savages. The goblin frowned as writing was still appearing on the parchment and thought' this should not take so much time or else he is heir to several families, well it would be best to get in his good graces'. After several days of enduring all the torment, Harry had reached his breaking point and so that's why he was sitting in this particular establishment. Harry's magic lashes out when sees it's host is aboutto be attaked obsorbeing Voldemorts magic and all those that are conected to Voldemort. Hermione began attending Hogwarts in 1991 and was Sorted into Gryffindor … How may I help you today? With a wave of the goblin's hand the cut healed, and Harry watched as his blood mixed with the liquid in the bowl for a few moments before glowing green. Liquid assets-2,198,987,234 galleons 897,972,234 sickles 395,356 Knuts. ", "Yes, I think so. I will be getting you up for breakfast, sir.". "Yes, I think the test cleared that bit up" Hadrian replied amused by the reaction, after all you don't happen to catch a goblin off guard every day. "Okayy" Harry drew the word out and just as the last syllable was finished the doors opened with a bang and Harry jumped up with his left hand glowing green and in his right was his wand emitting little lightning bolts. Harry was not stupid or the mediocre student everyone saw and he could easily outstrip Hermione in knowledge. Just know that it is gone. The first thing Harry Potter noticed when he woke up was that he wasn't at Gringotts anymore and he certainly wasn't at Hogwarts. Harry vs Dragon. Their attempt to permanently rid the world of the Tom Riddle was thwarted by Hermione, who took credit for killing the Dark Lord allowing his wraith to return to his followers. Ain't they quite the cunts in canon already? Harry Potter senses that something is wrong. Tell you what, you go and talk to the Goblins then come back here and we will discuss your options and I will try to teach you the things you will need to know. # betrayed # gender-benders # harry # insane # sharingan. Mother-Lillian Daisy Potter nee Slytherin, Family alive-Adrian Charlus Potter, James and Lillian potter (in Coma), The most ancient and most noble house of Potter (From Father, by blood). Proof that there is still 10% worth dying for even in crossovers here.. The goblin continued, "As you have just been declared an adult by the wizarding government, the Last Wishes of Lily and James Potter have taken full effect and will now be executed." Since you are my heir we will be giving you practical lessons to go along with the knowledge you have already gained.". ", "Yes Harry, I've heard, that's one of the reasons I got involved. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is a Harry Potter rational fanfic by Eliezer Yudkowsky, AI researcher and decision theorist.. In this book, you’ll learn: * How to live and work in Cancun, while still enrolled in Law School * Why Halloween is really awesome * How to subtly torture a highstrung roommate until he explodes with furious anger over a misplaced ... Toward the end of the year 1920 the Government of the United States had practically completed the programme, adopted during the last months of President Winthrop's administration. You can quote me on that. The boy followed him and sat on the chair provided without any direction. Tasha loved her job and her boss loved her. How will she handle things with him at The Shop? We can survive anything, from betrayal to violence as long as we are strong enough. Can you find yourself in one of these stories? All he had to do now was figure out how. Is there a way for you to check this? As the seventh drop fell into the bowl the dagger and bowl shone brightly and his hand was healed not leaving even a scar. He was wearing muggle trainers, fingerless gloves, jeans and a leather jacket and all were black in colour. This will give you access to all the abilities and your full magical power.". Are there any other surprises today Bearclaw? Reprint. Finally, the story of the Dark-Hunter leader, Acheron, is revealed... He was made human in order to escape death. Eleven thousand years ago, a god was born. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron spent a lifetime of shame. You will never have me and my firebolt to bail you out ever again. ", "Thank you Abe for everything. ", Dobby popped Harry back to school just in time for dinner so he could make an appearance. House of Black. Carefully curated by the British Library and full of extraordinary treasures from all over the world, this is an unforgettable journey exploring the history of the magic at the heart of the Harry Potter stories. What will Albus do when this mistake comes back to bite him in the ass several years later. He decides to escape, but a Healing Ritual gone wrong lands him in an alternate world. ", Harry just turned and left. ", "Go see the Goblins at Gringotts and they should be able to help you with all of it. This is the perfect book to keep all your password information together and secure. This book has approximately 108 pages and is printed on high quality stock. . The notice was sent out to them last night but don't worry. The head healer gasped and led Harry to the sofa in the room, he guided Hadrian to lay down and began chanting, Hadrian fell into a deep sleep … Fanfiction harry potter genius ravenclaw powerful gringotts A Genius Grows Chapter 1: Gringotts, a harry potter fanfic . ", "Why not, everyone else has screwed me over, you can't do any worse. You are one of our most important customers at this point and everyone else can go jump. Harry could have cared less about the rest of the school as he really didn't know them but they were still an annoyance. ... “You should consider this a blessing in disguise Potter.” Daphne paused as. Found insideIn a lavish world where darkness reigns and science collides with superstition, Alina Starkov has the power to save her country...but it comes with a price in The Grisha Trilogy by New York Times-bestselling author Leigh Bardugo. The goblin guards took in his unusual appearance. I would say you don't have to compete. The other had a ruby with a silver Gryffin on it. As most writers on here are amateurs, myself included, you need to remember this when reviewing. All information we got was that after Lord Voldemort's attack on your family your parents were in coma and you had died by Lord Voldemort's wand and your brother had been the one to defeat him". Sylph makes transportation available through sylphcycles and sylphquads, and is just one of the exciting new concepts explored in this magical and complex world. [Trigger Warning: There are discussions of child abuse in this novel.] A thought-provoking introduction to maths relevant to everyday life, this book will change the way you look at making decisions. Ron came up to Harry and ripped the Gryffindor crest off his robes and said "Get out of here, you aren't welcome anymore. 'In Search of Harry Potter' is an extraordinary travel book in which the author takes the reader to London, the West Country, Lancashire and Scotland to explore all the places that have become part and parcel of the Harry Potter mythology. His parents he could understand as they weren't around to remove them. He would have to go to Gringotts first thing tomorrow. He was no longer the scrawny kid he had been all his life and looked quite good if he said so himself. Again looking for two fic. I want to have a talk with the Goblins.” Harry said to Tonks. ", A flash of magic occurred and they were bonded. It took several generations but eventually a daughter of House Gryffindor fell in love with a son of House Potter. ", "That's pretty much it for the betrothal contract. Harry Potter sat on a bar stool in the infamous Hogs Head Tavern. Placing their silver cauldron on the stand, Daphne poured the Honeywater while Harry lighted the fire. As a younging he proved to be a Lord. Fandoms:Naruto, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling. ", Bearclaw said "He bonded you to him or to the castle? He bowed respectfully to the burly guards and to their immense surprise spoke in their native language "Greetings honourable goblins, may your blades gleam with your enemies blood" and this was enough to cause a once in a lifetime scenario for the few wizard and witches who were looking at the weird kid in all black. A bit canon in their head wizard at the age of eleven, 's! 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