The side of the Light has won. "Thank you Lojack. What about Daphne and Harry?" Somebody fucking shoot me. Overall value for the House of Emrys stands at 29,348,981,718 galleons. The author has not read a single line or viewed a single movie scene in its entirety, presumably because Harry Potter is neither animated nor reads from right to left. Stop retconning everything to be your fucking perfect little reality. "We'd best get inside. I'm just won't. "What is one of the things we will discuss Winky. Make honest elves of Dobby and Winky." But she refuses to marry a foreign prince, and is cast out of her kingdom, branded as the Lion Sin of Pride. I own nothing of Harry Potter and make no money from this story. "Oh, that wasn't the real story Megan." "The Reading of the Bans before the Wizengamot is tomorrow, the ceremony Wednesday. By my math, the author comes up about a billion short. Neville and Hannah joined him after a few moments. Not content with mocking just one fanfic from this particular author, I decided to grab another one for the road before considering other ventures. It makes one man weep, and another man sing. You saw how she broke down when you reinstated her to the family, almost thirty years after the fact. Harry ran his hand through his hair. ", "You've got extras? I feel like fucking screaming. Why was Neville here? What the author did, as far as I can tell, was to copy the entire listing of assets into his own fanfic, and then edited miniscule parts of it. The door opened to her touch and Hermione Granger stepped into the foyer of the ancestral Black home. The seven students arrived in the foyer of Harry's home, their ears still ringing from the amplifiers. Hopefully it’s the paramedics trying to revive his paranoid, blacked out and critically injured ass. It’s a wonder the wizarding world has money at all, with how all of Harry’s family lines hoard it. From his seat in the gallery Alastor Moody watched as Potter's wand was tested, and the Praecise shield was confirmed. It would be easier all around for whoever placed it on her to remove it." ", Dumbledore looked pensive. ", "Yes." You both deserve that. Dishonesty infuriates me, but when the author can’t even be bothered to put effort into ripping other people off, I’m almost more offended at their laziness. I guess he might as well make the underage blowup dolls be useful, by turning them into ninjas before they begin to learn magic. Write him a note telling him you don't want to see him. I didn't show him any photos. Back in his prime, when Moody was still whole he had found and worked for more than three years to be able to cast Praecise… Moody had never managed more than a pulse of energy. Who the fuck owns shares of an abandoned house?! ", "So it's a huge deal for some people." I’ll display the results later, but the current prognosis – the author needs to work on his math. After Arthur died, Morgana took the throne, where she ruled for years. “BOMBARDA MAXIMA!” Everyone gasped at how desperate Ron is who now is grinning tiredly like he already won only for Harry to hold his hand out and make their jaws drop s he absorbed the high level spell. I'll arrest him for use of a proscribed dark artifact and force the issue." "After I got used to the differences, I quite liked it. “Harry Potter has been on our rolls since he was born.” ... "Your father married a Muggle born, so it's possible that the Potters decided at some point not to do that anymore." The Weasleys and I are done. Because fuck making any kind of sense, the author wants his power fantasy now – plot holes be damned! Wait, hold on. They’re literally a bunch of schoolgirls in masks, author. ", "Yes I am Winky. Harry Potter Dies. He sealed the Mist swords into his arm in kanji for number 7 and the kiri symbol, he strapped Yamato and Ryujin Jakka to his hip while sealing Tensa Zangetsu into the seal ecthed on his glove in a white moon for easy access and made sure his fingerless gloves fitted nicely while putting his black cloak on that had the Uchiha Symbol on the back and the high collar that made him look like his ancestor Madara. "So we use Peter to feed bad information to Voldemort? was an award bestowed upon wizards and witches who had achieved great things for the wizarding world. He falsified the date on that marriage contract. Chapter List. Harry rules, everyone else sucks! “House Of Ravenclaw supports Lord Uchiha as well!” Flitwick announced getting roars of agreement from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and most of the Gryffindoor student’s making the attackers realized they are about to get their asses handed to them. Harry shrugged. “How did you do that!” Ron demanded only to get a cruel cold chuckle that made even Mcgonagall shiver. "Greengrass.". Lord Potter-Black, you cannot simply attack someone in the chambers of the Wizengamot.". “Can I take the ability’s test now?” He asked annoyed getting a nod as Ragnok cut his finger and squeezed five drops of blood and watched it glow white and had to raise an eyebrow at the results. Invited to Hermione's for Christmas dinner it had been too late to cancel, following the meal he had pleaded to be allowed to help with the dishes. ", "Welcome to our home Justin." "I've been in several old line Pureblood homes and seen how the elves bonded to those families are treated, but Harry's different. ", "I know. “HUFFLEPUFF!” Pomona Sprout and her entire table cheered loudly with excitement and glee including lust coming from Hermione, Tonk’s, Hannah, and Susan and including a sorted Lavender Brown who immediately glomped him calling him her ‘Karasu-sama’ which he blushed at slightly. At the age of eleven, she learned about her magical nature and was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry sneered coldly with his wives doing the same. Be happy. Daphne asked dully. Harry leveled his wand in front of the Aristocrat's face. Requests are closed for good! I’m starting to think everyone the author favors just gets turned into a sociopath. Imagines of multiple fandoms. Top secret. He met them when he was walking with Hedwig and thought they would be arrogant and demand who he was only to talk to him about Narcissa and the family which he accepted and were on good terms with the Malfoy’s. The old man's eyes widened in surprise. Vault also contains a vast amount of priceless gem’s, portraits, ward stones, and other priceless artifacts and heirloom. That seems oddly out of character as well as making no sense. Harry is totally awesome, powerful, intelligent, a physical god, all the ladies want him, probably got a dick the size of a baseball bat, no one can even compare to him! Found inside#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The history of the Targaryens comes to life in this masterly work, the inspiration for HBO’s upcoming Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon “The thrill of Fire & Blood is the thrill of all ... Right now he is following a blue, black, green, and gold trail leading to a forestry area and entered but, instantly was on alert feeling several people watching him. Harry shook off the shock of what his shield had done. Harry went back to Shawnie, and the priest started the ceremony. What I love most about the Wizarding world is that no one has the faintest clue about who my father is. Although it wasn't a widely known fact, as the Potters had tried to hide it for centuries, it was true that Morgana was married to the second son of the first Lord Potter. "Winky work slower Harry Potter Sir, Winky take breaks. A Long-term agreement with Luna Lovegood would probably be a whole lot of fun. The room rumbled with low murmuring, and Dumbledore eyed the Minister suspiciously. Harry Massive Harem! It had taken the head of the Greengrass family almost an hour to confirm the old Wizarding homily of 'A man in need has no friends'. she said. Maybe she was shopping. Remus and I are done. So we said, why not use cold to kill him. “GRYFFINDOOR!” Seamus, and Thomas cheered patting their friend on the back as he joined them at the Lion’s table and watched as a confident Neville Longbottom walks up to the sorting hat. It explains everything. The counts retainers retrieved her, and returned her to her suite, where, Daphne was beaten, all the while Benedikte’s retainers were screaming at her about 'embarrassing the Count'. ", "So was Andromeda Black when she wanted to marry Ted Tonks, if you recall. Vault 1. “House Diggory gives their support to Lord Uchiha.” Cedric declared. She means everything to me, you know? Eros and Psyche by RZZMG Without doubt. “Why are your eye’s like that?” She asked pointing to his Sharingan, he explained to her what the sharingan was and it’s many abilities. Given his age, he should be more concerned about cooties. “Lord Uchiha wins!” Pansy announced with the others roaring in approval except frowning Dumbledore sinc ehe expected him to not go that far and quickly left to his office. Harry made his way to the open section of the chamber before the assembled Wizengamot and stood tall, looking every inch the Man-Who-Conquered. You wore my Christmas present." My family has been in finance for ever, my father runs his own brokerage. Yet I can only see a certain part of him in your mouth. You should thank my wife; I wanted to put you in my chair to have our little talk. With that Harry entered Gringotts leaving a confused Albus Dumbledore behind him. I will write if I’m allowed." Winky asked hopefully. There was a quiet crack in the Granger back garden. Her wand came back up again, not trembling this time. Even though it is still incomplete, what has been written is no doubt very very smutty. Like. Once more ripped from Harry Potter and the Heir of Magic. He was going to sit in the Gryffy common room and cry.". Everyone except Harry who looked bored leaning back against the wall with his eye’s closed listened to student’s get sorted. The head of House Longbottom smiled widely. “Harry here’s your money pouch it can be filled with any amount that you choose from any of your vaults have fun shopping.” Ragnok explained cheerfully and watched Harry form multiple Shadow Clones. Neville asked. When Harry and his friends find themselves in ancient Camelot, they and their new friend Merlin are faced with a terrible evil that is intent on killing them all. "My apologies Lord Longbottom, I misspoke.". ", "So that we might confirm that you indeed only cast a shield charm.". "We are being attacked King Arthur! ", Harry shrugged. RELATED: 20 Wild Fan Redesigns Of Unexpected Harry Potter Couples. “Well, Chief Ragnok I’d like for Griphook to manage the Potter, Black, and Le Fay Vaults, while you manage the others.” Both nodded grinning like loons before looking at the properties and finances only for everyone’s eye’s to nearly bulge out their sockets. ", He said it so casually. ", "Quickly? So much rage. If I so much as hear that any of you approach within 50 meters of Harry Potter, I will arrest the lot of you. The ease with which you made the gesture of hitting her suggests to me that you may have already done so, if she tells me you have, you die today." How are you going to explain a bank manager living like that? "Daphne's father has destroyed every single thing you have given her. It was common knowledge that Albus Dumbledore always knew what was going on in the school, what was less well known is that the reason for this knowledge was that the many portraits in the castle reported to him directly. "Damn it Harry," Shacklebolt said softly, "If you make me laugh I'll likely lose my job." "Neville found out where Voldemort was hiding." ", "But Headmaster, Sirius is innocent, you know that. Justin laughed. “Nymphy, you know I can read minds right.” He deadpanned at her horniness making her blush sheepishly and kissed Andromeda on her lips she might hav ebeen a few years older than him but, he was a man in her eye’s. "The third years were talking about that in the common room. “I leave you 25 pieces of silver and a guide on how to not manipulate people you’re no better than the dark tossier that is all chow!” He barked before the astral projection went back into the orb with Harry standing up before motioning Ginny to follow him and quickly greeted all the professors except a frowning Dumbledore. During the day she would be given language lessons by the Count's Valet, and then be instructed on what was expected of her in relationship to the Count's estates by others of Benedikte's party. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other ‘Somehow I knew this was coming.’ He deadpanned at his tenants who were snickering at him. After all, there are only so many families you can marry into if you want to maintain that status. "Hermione told me you were a dentist. The only voluntary muscles that still obeyed his mind were those that controlled his eyes. "The Book of Records indeed shows the marriage between Harry James Potter and Daphne Ophelia Greengrass at 3:38 pm on the 15th of November last year. Harry stroked Hedwig, stared dully at the package lying on his desk. As far as she is concerned, he owns her body and soul.". Oh yeah, the child raised on beatings and starvation, whose next twelve formative years will be with the power to do whatever he wants. Harry said slumping against the wall. ", "My apologies Chief Warlock." She married a pureblood and had a son Yvein, who was next in line to the throne. At Hogwarts, the final battle against Voldemort and the search for the horcruxes is at its peak. The old man levitated a spider the size of a dinner plate from his satchel to hover over the paralyzed man. Harry unfolded the paper and read the message it held. Neville said changing the subject. Harry treats the elves that work for him like… well people I guess. ", The fire turned green, Harry knelt and stuck his head in the fire and clearly said "Daphne Greengrass. It had human parts but it was mostly snake. ", "I've got a kid sister mate. Complete with the narcissism of a bad fanfic author. People who clean and work around the house." Dumbledore and I are done. If you'd like sir, why don't we get it out of the way?". I've reconsidered our relationship and have determined that you are not what I am looking for in a life partner. “Are you saying I’m not mature enough to have what was supposed to be mine in the first place.” He asked sweetly making Lily’s voice seem meek in comparison. “Enter!” A older voice yelled behind the door and allowed Griphook to push it open showing a big office with another older goblin signing some paperwork behind the desk and took a moment to look up at Harry and had to tense feeling the godly power flowing from 4 year old. "Harry, I'm not pushing Hermione to do anything she doesn't want to do. You've always said that they were the family you always wanted. "Can I call you?". Voldemort and his minions were something less than thrilled, but they froze solid in a few seconds. "How much? " A short term contract with Nymphadora Tonks wouldn't be You running to this shit-hole just made it easier. "Winky ashamed to be paid. Neville stood as well, putting his hands on his friend's shoulders. The story starts in the desert somewhere and certain magical things happen. McGonagall straightened her shoulders. The elf disappeared with his normal pop. Pillet say he sorry for hurting white Owl, and that all Greengrass elves will fight if Potter Elves try to speak with Harry Potter Sir's Daphne.". A series of murders in New York City has stymied the police and FBI alike, and they suspect the culprit is a single killer sending an indecipherable message. Disclaimer: All characters and settings are the creation of JK Rowling. ", "The contract is a symbol of what might have been Tracey. “B-but Harry it’ll paint a huge target on you.” Dumbledore sputtered only for Harry to raise an eyebrow only for Hebi, Wolf and Bird to appear at his side shocking everyone even Dumbledore seeing them. "This is your only warning Werewolf. "You might as well ask 'what if Draco and Pansy's parents were decent human beings' or 'what if Goyle and Crabbe were intellectual leaders instead of moronic followers' or 'what if Harry Potter joined the Dark Lord'. At least he throws temper tantrums like the child he is. Could I sit with you? Overall value of the House Of Potter stands at 2,340,897,234 galleons. Double marriage contract for a Miss Padma and Miss Parvati patil to Mr. Harry Potter, signed and dated by mother’s of both children on October 3, 1981. The broken man shuffled out the door and out of her life. He and Daphne can do whatever they want with their lives. “Let’s go in girls, Luna, Blaise, Pansy you’ll be my guards during the reading but, first put these masks on.” Harry said pulling out a Wolf, Bird, and Snake Anbu masks he made using the Creation Of All Things jutsu and gave them to the grinning girls who put them on and could still see giving him nods behind the masks and walked into the will reading room to wait for the others. Vault also contains many precious gems and a large armory full of various armors and weapons. Harry had not ridden the train back to Hogwarts following the Christmas holidays; rather he had Apparated to Hogsmeade at noon, and was waiting for Daphne. "I think perhaps the advancement of the Greengrass Family to the status of Noble House had given you ideas above your station Greengrass." 'S chin anyway and I want it to Daphne. `` when all I had really hoped would. 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Removed a bottle of Ogdens and two glasses `` if it 's about... Teeth, what makes me special not simply attack someone in the traditions of pureblood.! S where he is neglected and beaten examine Harry ’ s hat even kill..... Hell, you will no longer dating Ginny, and her daughter that the came. Few minutes later I had really hoped you would be a bit energetic! Would stand out against the headboard would be put in Gryffindor immediately doesn’t.
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