In the Gosho ‘The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon,’ Nichiren Daishonin writes: ‘A woman who devotes herself to the Gohonzon invites happiness in this life, and in the next, the Gohonzon will be with her and protect her always. Found insideHe advocates the Mahayana Principle of sufferings of birth and death is Nirvana. ... T'ai's Great Concentration and Insight Nichiren Daishonin quotes these ... We have received many confident reports from island and overseas members that in almost every case after funerals were held (even without the attendance of a priest), the countenance of the deceased looked peaceful and sublime, leaving no doubt of their enlightenment. . Nichiren was born in Japan in 1222 and when studying to be a priest he wanted to know how it was possible for there to be so many schools of Buddhism throughout Japan when they all originated from one man - Shakyamuni, the first recorded Buddha. 1 & 2 . Examples: the high priest and many other senior priests’ extravagant lifestyles, allowing slanderous conduct by Hokkeko members over the centuries; the high priest’s own slander in building a family tomb in a Zen temple; the sect’s acceptance of the Shinto talisman during World War II; etc. Nikko Shonin says that there will appear evil priests who use forged writings to suit their needs, who fail to distinguish between the theoretical and essential teachings and who practice false teachings. Believers have frankly voiced their intent to refuse to invite arrogant priests who lack pure faith to their funeral ceremonies. You have no idea how deep the hole you are digging, posting Shingon toxic waste in the Nichiren Buddhism forum. 1 pp. It is the foundation of the correct school. Nor can we correctly answer the question of how we should live. As Nichiren Daishonin writes about one of his disciples: "When he was alive, he was a Buddha in life, and now he is a Buddha in death. Article 14 admonishes us to revere as Buddhas those who spread the teachings without begrudging their lives. In the third month, Toki carried her ashes from his home in Wakamiya, Shimōsa Province, to distant . On this point as well, the priesthood’s actions perfectly mirror those of the five senior priests. Deeply impressed by the Daishonin's dignified . Why should it be necessary to ask someone else to recite the sutra for our own enlightenment after our death? Without people who spread the Law, kosen-rufu would be nothing but an empty dream. This spirit, too, is entirely lacking in the priesthood, which is dominated by authoritarian and discriminatory attitudes. The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect It was only later that Buddhist temples in Japan increasingly emphasized funeral rites and memorial services. Nichiren Daishonin (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect Noel, you can wrap as much fallacious reasoning, based improperly on quotes from the Gosho as you want, and you still are professing that (1) Nichiren Daishonin would give his his most loyal and early followers Low-Function Gohonzon that would stop working upon his death, (2) when his magic life powers stopped making those Low Function . Toki was a staunch follower of the Daishonin who lived in Wakamiya in Shimōsa Province. Found insideIn this inspiring, soul-stirring memoir, Lawrence E. Carter Sr., founding dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel, shares his remarkable quest to experience King's "beloved community" and his surprising discovery in mid-life ... Eventually and as a natural development, I pray, we will reform ourselves and return to the conditions that prevailed during the time of our founder, Nichiren Daishonin, and Nikko Shonin, who succeeded him and established the head temple.’ [Nichiko Shonin observed the precept of celibacy.]. Based on the tenets of the Japanese monk Nichiren, these guides provide insight and advice on injecting Buddhist philosophies into one's relationships and spirituality. The Soka Gakkai is a lay organisation that follows the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. Honzon is a Japanese word meaning "object of fundamental respect or devotion.". Share on social media. My daily practices includes Reiki, Crystal healing, contemplative meditation and Qi Gong. Daisaku Ikeda See More Taking such feelings into consideration, SGI President Ikeda, then Soka Gakkai president, stated at a headquarters leaders meeting in November 1968: ‘First of all, what I am about to say is the result of a discussion I had with the head temple. Nichiko Shonin once remarked about on this admonition: ‘I see the present situation as a temporary anomaly…. Having studied Buddha's teachings from different schools of Buddhism such as Zen, Pureland and Tendai, Nichiren concluded that the Lotus Sutra is the ultimate teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. It was President Toda who stopped them from doing this. To do so would be a pitiful violation [of the Daishonin’s Buddhism]. death, Nichiren Daishonin made His advent in Japan. Regarding the funeral ceremony, President Toda once said: ‘We all live to seek happiness. Found insideNichiren Daishonin continued writing and devoting his energy to the guidance of his disciples until shortly before his death in 1282. We should not allow ourselves to be deceived. . Nichiren Buddhism View on Death. This is the purpose of Buddhist practice. This is the most humanistic way to share our sympathy with the family and a way which, I believe, accords with spirit of Nichiren Daishonin. It is for this reason that the Buddhism of the established sects in Japan became derisively known as ‘funeral Buddhism.’ Because funeral ceremonies did not originate from the teachings of Buddhism, many of the rites and rituals surrounding them in Japan were incorporated from Japanese folk custom and religions such as Shintoism. We can even say we are taking the initiative in such a movement.’. 約2700語を収録した創価学会版「英文仏教辞典」。 Since the reality of death is the same in either case, isn’t it far better that we set out on our journey toward the next existence in high spirits with a bright smile on our faces— knowing that in everything we did, we did the very best we could, thrilling with the thought ‘That was truly an interesting life’?” (October 24, 1997, World Tribune, p. 11). The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect Shakyamuni treated matters after death as secondary. Nichiren (1222-1282) described himself as the "son of a fisherman," medieval Japan's lowest class. For many Nichiren Buddhists today, social activism and engagement is a vital part of their practice. "To observe one's own mind" (kanjin) means that embracing the Gohonzon makes that life-condition manifest. Article 5: You should refrain from indulging in poetry or non-Buddhist works, or from engaging in idleness and chatter without [having the aim of] rebuking slander. The great teaching of the Daishonin's Buddhism makes it possible for us to attain Buddhahood within this present lifetime, and to eternally undergo the cycle of birth and death with . Relationship with Nichiren Shoshu. The five senior priests denounced Nikko Shonin’s correct teachings, claiming he was ‘establishing a different teaching and had lost the Way.’ Nikken sect priests, while deeply immersed in their own slander of the Law, vilify the correct practice of the SGI. Nichiren Daishonin (1222-1282) was born on February 16, 1222 , a Japanese monk and the son of a poor fisherman, Nichiren became a monk in the Tendai school. The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect The name of our denomination of Buddhism is Nichiren Shoshu. However, even if a high priest or a priest of profound practice and understanding deviates from [the principle of] sexual abstinence, he may still be allowed to remain in the priesthood [as a common priest without rank]. It is not your personal power that moves the deceased toward enlightenment. The Daishonin says that while donning the garments of teachers of the Law, inwardly such priests are animals. Today, only the SGI practices and abides by this admonition. ( The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. Buddhism is originally a teaching of how to live, not a teaching of mere formality and ceremony. Thus the Soka Gakkai saved the priesthood from accepting the offerings of non-believers. Neither spreading the teachings to others nor talking about Buddhism among themselves, they are a gathering of ‘Law-devouring hungry spirits.’ The priesthood has completely turned its back on Nikko Shonin’s admonitions. One young priest revealed that, as an acolyte he was instructed on the Gosho only about eight hours a year, not even an hour per month far from the Gosho being made the foundation. Formalities such as funerals and other ceremonies are not religion itself.’ We, too, must clearly discern what is genuine and essential. The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect At the same time, by overcoming all manner of persecutions by slanderous people, Soka Gakkai members are carrying on the practice of the ‘six difficult and nine easy acts’ with their lives, and accomplishing kosen-rufu in the Latter Day of the Law.’ The SGI’s history is a golden record of our efforts to put this admonition into practice. The address appeared in the Nov. 16 and Nov. 23, 1992, issues of the World Tribune. The reason for this was to protect the correct teaching. Being immediately recognizable as priests of the Fuji school, they would have to conduct themselves properly and in an upright manner. Can the old metaphorical language of Nichiren be explained with modern scientific concepts? These questions were considered by the two authors and in this book they show us their fascinating results. and these are like frost or dew. Nichiren Daishonin is the common mortal, who is the true Buddha, as are you and myself. The Daishonin reiterates her report that her husband chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the very end of his life, and that after death his complexion was . THE issue of birth and death is the most important issue for human beings, for whom death is inescapable. Background. If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured though eternity and attain . 1, p. 412). The Eleven Letters. your own Pins on Pinterest Many chief priests are said to be unable to read the Gosho correctly. This is unheard of in any other sect. With these quotes from the forth & last part of our study material on Nichiren Daishonin's gosho "The Selection of the Time," President Ikeda explains that Nichiren believed that he had a responsibility to relieve the sufferings of Japan. Nichiren Daishonin sent this letter to the priest Sairen-bō with a separate scroll attached on which the Daishonin had written out passages from the Lotus Sutra for Sairen-bō to recite as a prayer. This is all too clear. If the priest presiding over a funeral ceremony is insincere, this would certainly be tragic for the family. . The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect The Vimalakirti Sutra states that, when one seeks the Buddhas' emancipation in the minds of ordinary beings, one finds that ordinary beings are the entities of enlightenment, and that the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana. Notes It was written in response to news that Kyo'o had become seriously ill which was conveyed to the Daishonin by a messenger sent by Shijo Kingo and his wife. The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect Those who face death while in the state of Buddhahood will pass into death in that same state, which will also influence the circumstances of their next life. Found insideGleaned from more than fifty years of SGI President Ikeda's works, The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace provides a window into the SGI president's thought and philosophy. Notes Since the time of Nichiren Daishonin, it has been part of the code of the Fuji school that priests should wear robes of a light-gray color [contrary to the black robes worn by priests of other sects]. The money they have been spending naturally comes from the sincere offerings of Soka Gakkai members. Notes Once again, your treason towards Nichiren Daishonin, by promoting the download of internet pirated Gohonzon printouts, using images of Gohonzon stolen by the traitorous priests who betrayed the Daishonin after his death by turning his Buddhism into a statue worshiping cult forcing Shakyamuni into the role of god almighty . Article 11: Followers of this school should engrave the teachings of the Gosho in their lives and thereby inherit the ultimate principles expounded by the master. However, Nikken sect priests change their robes to be less conspicuous in their immoral pursuits, with some going so far as to use pseudonyms to further conceal their identity. Those who have lived sincerely and contributed to others’ well-being are likely to die with a deep sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Even dew before the wind is hardly a sufficient metaphor. The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect Notes Their true motive is not to abide by Nikko Shonin’s admonitions but to amass wealth; they care not about the distinction between correct and erroneous Buddhist teachings. Further, it is a realm where seniors apply themselves to raising their juniors, burning with a sense of responsibility to help them become more capable than they are themselves. It is like the sun and moon in the heavens or Mount Sumeru on earth. Utsubusa Nyobo, a lay believer, reported to Nichiren Daishonin about about the 100th-day observance of her father′s death. Found inside-- Robert E. Morrell, Washington University For instance, there have been cases in which the priest wrote the posthumous Buddhist name of the deceased incorrectly, or forgot to bring the Doshi Gohonzon (a special Gohonzon for such services) to the funeral and had to borrow the family′s Gohonzon for the ceremony. And to do this, we need to undertake the task of selfpurification wholeheartedly, with our entire being. Even today, this is a common practice in the SGI countries outside of Japan. In the 16 spirited conversations comprising this volume, authors Lou Marinoff and Daisaku Ikeda revive and celebrate philosophy as an accessible source of wisdom and courage for everyone. This movement protested the corruption in Buddhist circles that disregarded the solemnity of death and wallowed in over-formalized ceremonies. Based on these facts, we are forced to conclude that Nichiren Shoshu has degraded itself into a ‘funeral Buddhism’ that seeks only to maintain its role in funerals as a source of income. It has even gone so far as to advance the claim that ‘To make the Gosho the foundation is egotistic.’ Making whoever is the current high priest the foundation itself betrays Nikko Shonin’s articles of warning. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with confidence in this enables us to realise that as Nichiren Daishonin says, our lives are a palace of the greatest happiness. There have even been cases when priests have forgotten to bring their surplice and prayer beads, or have dozed off or even fell backwards because they fell asleep during the ceremony. The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect Found inside – Page 343Nichiren Daishonin has described the nature of life as being and non - being , birth and death , disappearance and appearance , existence and extinction . 12-13. To quote Nichiren again, "the best way to attain Buddhahood is to encounter a zenchishiki, or good friend." Further, Nichiren comments that Devadatta, the cousin of Shakyamuni who tried to kill him and divide the Buddhist order, was "the foremost good friend to Thus Come One Shakyamuni. Volume 1, No. In addition, nowhere in the Gosho does Nichiren Daishonin state that the deceased cannot attain enlightenment without a priest as an intermediary. It also states that, if the minds of living beings are impure, their land is also impure, but if their minds are pure, so is their land. In those days, priests refrained from participating in funerals except for their own parents or members of the Samgha, or Buddhist Order. Dying and death are processes of transition from this existence to the next. By an increase of greed, famine arises. Nichiren Daishonin > Quotes > Quotable Quote . I Nam devote my life, my I, to Myōhō the Utterness Dharma, pervaded by Renge the lotus-like workings of mutual cause and effect concurrently, in its Kyō inherent whereabouts of . JoRenge Quotes From Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho Monday, August 20, 2007 "THE SWORDS OF GOOD AND EVIL" Hi, I have been practicing Buddhism for a while now and I would like to share some quotes from Nichiren Daishonin's Writings. Article 18: Even if a view is set forth unanimously by a conference [of believers], the high priest should repudiate it if it goes against the Buddha’s Law. This part starts on page 244 of The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin volume 1, if you want to follow along! If these priests’ wives, being lay believers, are their disciples, why can’t they give them proper guidance concerning their spending habits? The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect This admonition is paired with Article 17. The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect Nichiren Daishonin, The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings (Soka Gakkai, 2004) p. 209. According to the testimony of priests who have severed ties with the head temple, conversation among priests is limited to exchanging information about pleasurable pursuits or how to make money. In order to cross from this impure world, over the life and death sufferings of the great river, and reach the pure land on the other shore, people must embark upon the boat of the Buddha's teachings. Instead of warmly raising people, the priesthood forces them into submission. In a society where great emphasis has often been placed on keeping conflict hidden from sight, Nichiren was . However, inspired by contempt for the SGI, the priesthood excommunicated us. The priesthood had recovered its legitimacy thanks to the Gakkai. All disciples and lay supporters of Nichiren should chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with the spirit of many in body but one in mind, transcending all differences among themselves 10 to become as inseparable as fish and the water in which they swim. Sep 11, 2017 - Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (l), Josei Toda and Daisaku Ikeda. Dec 17, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Peace N Freedom by Design. Clearly, it is not the Soka Gakkai that has changed its stance, but the priesthood itself. One should be neither influenced nor frightened by them" . This process led to the founding of 37 different schools of Nichiren Buddhism. Article 16: Even though they may be lowly, you should deeply respect and regard as your teachers those whose understanding of Buddhism surpasses your own. The Daishonin states, ‘Though one may have been fortunate enough to be born as a human being… if he fails to study Buddhism and to refute its slanderers but simply spends his time in idleness and chatter, then he is no better than an animal dressed in priestly robes’ (MW-3, 215). Soka Gakkai General Director Kazuya Morita addresses this issue in the following speech which he gave at the Ishikawa Culture Center on Oct. 26, 1991. Nichiren Daishonin wrote this letter in the twelfth month of 1264, when he was forty-three. Capable people are systematically oppressed through harassment and violence reminiscent of the old Japanese army a fearful deviation from Nikko Shonin’s articles of warning. It is important that people gather together and sincerely pray for the deceased. The SGI has always strictly condemned slander, exactly as Nikko Shonin admonishes. Trampling on the sublime spirit of Nikko Shonin, who departed from Minobu because of slander, these high priests aligned themselves with the slanderers. 3, p. 258). Brad Klee, meet Nichiren Daishonin regarding Shingon + On Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 9:05:12 PM UTC-8, brad. To do so is to degrade the Law. To ‘not differ in the least’ from the Daishonin’s teachings this is the most basic essential of the correct school. Nichiren Daishonin wrote this letter to the lay nun Toki in the third month of the second year of Kenji (1276) and entrusted its delivery to her husband, Toki Jōnin, who was visiting Minobu at the time.. Toki's mother had passed away toward the end of the second month of the year. Nichiren Daishonin writes: "When he was alive, he was a Buddha in life, and now he is a Buddha in death. Furthermore, they have denigrated and persecuted the SGI a most praiseworthy organization of faith made up of ordinary people who have no particular standing in society. Nichiren's interpretation of Buddhism is influenced by Master Zhiyi (Chih-I) […] This is what is meant by that most important doctrine called attaining Buddhahood in one’s present form” (“Hell Is the Land of Tranquil Light,” WND-1, 456). Nichiren Daishonin — 'More valuable than treasures in a storehouse are the treasures of the body. I have found comfort in these quotes and they bring me peace of mind. The most valuable of all are the treasures of the heart.' . [Because we are responsible for our own enlightenment] we ourselves are the foremost pioneers in modernizing the funeral ceremony. This article reflects the spirit of selecting and raising capable people. This admonition notwithstanding, at the head temple, priests who have not yet made a thorough study of the Gosho lecture haphazardly on T’ien-t’ai’s doctrine. Because of the extravagance many priests have shown in their lifestyles, episodes of insincerity or contempt toward believers, or revelations of other transgressions, many Soka Gakkai members have been opting to hold informal services attended to by Soka Gakkai members. Notes The Reality of the ‘Nikken’ Sect A lifetime of one’s actions— remembered and forgotten—will be expressed in how we face death. While it is possible to improve our state of being when we are alive, in the afterlife—the period of transition from this life to the next—life is no longer in its active state; one’s life condition at the moment of death will continue into the afterlife and influence the circumstances of one’s rebirth. This is clear documentary proof that Nichiren Daishonin and Nikko Shonin absolutely prohibited priests from marrying. President Makiguchi’s death in prison resulted from his refusal to compromise with slander. The exhaled breath never waits for the inhaled one. Some have already refused to invite priests who are negligent in propagating the Law, do not perform gongyo regularly or who adorn themselves in extraordinary luxury while looking down on the believers. Moon in the least, ’ the Nikken Sect acts completely contrary to the,. Their lives the relationship between priests and laity is that of the Eyes is believed that Kyo & x27! 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