Usually I'm the one who takes the notes. The Marauders: Year Four. I'm use to it." "I can't be missing all those lessons all year and it would look suspicious if I miss so many days a month in a row. The teacher noticed them and smiled. James, Sirius, and Peter pulled out a list of their prank ideas and started going over the prank they wanted to do, while Remus decided to go take a shower. he'd gotten his scars and was old enough to understand that his father explained to him that he would fall ill on the full moon. James, Sirius, and Peter went down to breakfast together talking quietly. It bit and scratched itself. Though it was never finished, it is one of the most involved and stunning extracanonical fan-written additions to the Harry Potter series ever written. "What are you guys talking about? His hair changed to gold and red stripes and was put into pigtails. I only want to explain it once." Remus replied. Lily was the red-haired girl that she had ended up sitting next to. Sirius replied. "You look better then you did yesterday. "Of course." I'm tired.". Books » Harry Potter Rated: K, English, Words: 949, Favs: 119, Follows: 36, Published: 8/17/2000. I usually sleep the whole day away." Anything could happen with an uncontrollable werewolf out on the loose. He wished he'd paid more attention to Stubbin's girlfriend's name when he'd seen it on the map. Through the tunnel. "You could have left us a note so we wouldn't have worried." "Well, he needs to eat.". If you break the rule, the parchment will say so by saying cheat under your name.". McGonagall nodded her head and started teaching the class. He shook his head and pulled the blanket back over his head. ", James looked at Remus sweaty face and put a hand to his forehead. hogwarts, padfoot, watt. Harry Meets the Marauders by Doctor Cornelius. The office was brightly lit by the afternoon sunlight coming in through the window, giving it that warm, comfortable feeling. Peter came and joined them. He clicked his tongue and you could hear the smile in his voice. His energy was sapped. Chapter 4 First Classes. His energy was sapped. It made me into a monster. I don't want to ask anyone else for help again. Chapter 1 The Hogwarts Express Sirius Black walked into the train station of platform 9 ¾ with his mother and little brother following him. "What!". They had a knack for rule-breaking and mischief-making. Remus began to stir in his sleep and slapped James's hand away. "It's alright. He had missed breakfast, but he didn't care. He found himself in an old looking, two story building. No. "Yes. "You did?". "We can take him some food at lunch." I am currently working on a second part for my story "Furry little accident "So I'm kind of busy, but I had an idea about the first time the marauders went with Remus as Anamagi on a full moon so here it is. Remus began to nibble at his dirty fingernails before Sirius Black pulled his hand quickly out of his mouth. Tumblog for the fanfiction series. I'm in. He entered one of the bedrooms and decided to take a nap while he waited for night to come. After a while he started snapping at them, telling them to leave him alone and that he was fine before stalking off. More. He says that it is most urgent. Fifth Year: The Marauders succeed in becoming Animagi and start accompanying Remus on full moon jaunts. "I don't want to eat. He saw Remus's empty bed. Remus looked at his three friends confused. It's on the edge of her memory like a word on the tip of her tongue, but Kandi can't remember what it is to save her life. "I'm sorry, Remus. I'm not taking part in this.". Moony = Remus Lupin, refers to being a werewolf. "Good, now that we have apologies over with." Classes were in ten minutes. "Go on ahead, boys. Full Moon. "Are you sure he isn't here?" ", "Fine. He was beginning to feel the effects of the full moon coming up. Read The Full Moon from the story The Marauders: Year One | #Wattys2016 by Pengiwen (Hannah) with 49,754 reads. But I know he is lying." Chapter 5: First Full Moon at Hogwarts. ", Remus closed his eyes and shook his head lightly so he didn't make his headache worse. "Welcome," Dumbledore greeted him, ushering him inside. "Sorry dear." We were just worried. The Marauders and their best friend Arabella Bright have finished their 5th year at Hogwarts and are spending the summer at James' house without his parents. "You sure? And while we'll out let's make a competition. James did the same thing in History of Magic. "No problem. As soon as they turned a left we followed. "You're so stubborn.". There was a heavy mahogany desk and behind it a wall full of portraits of old headmasters with ornate frames and tiny brass plates that read their names and the dates of their appointment at Hogwarts. James said. Chapter 38: Family. #prongs "Of course, dear." Trust me when I say this too - this story and . When the train finally arrived at Hogsmeade station, James pulled down Remus's suitcase from the rack above his head and carried it without a word, a tired Remus following behind him quietly. . So which prank idea are we going to do?" A kind, gentle voice asked. This is the story of the two famous troublemakers the summer before their school years. "Yeah, we just have to force the food down his throat." Summary: I'm rubbish at summaries so just read and review. Sirius exclaimed. ", Remus opened his eyes and looked at his friend. Prongs = James Potter, refers to the antlers of his stag Animagus #siriusblack This infamous catalogue of Demons and Devils is a classic of Demonology whose influence on the literature of grimoires and black magic cannot be understated. Presented here in this quaint edition is Reginald Scot's 1583 English translation. "Stop calling me Remy. If you try to get a detention on purpose, the detention doesn't count and you have to do something embarrassing during dinner in the Great Hall." 13 notes. As I walked to class, I saw Daisy ahead of me. ", "Remus, are you sick?" "I asked a second year. He no longer thought like a human. He practically ordered them to leave him alone and let him sleep in. At the end of the lesson, she pulled Remus aside as the class left. Imagine comforting Sirius when Regulus is sorted into Slytherin. ", Remus nodded and followed Professor McGonagall upstairs and down several twisting corridors until they reached the stone gargoyles where he'd met the headmaster earlier in the week. He ran in the direction of the sound, James, Sirius and Peter chasing after him in their animagi forms to stop him, control him, do whatever they could. The full moon approaching made him really irritable. "Let us see your arm." . . This is popular fiction of the highest order.”—USA Today “A tour de force.”—The Boston Globe It was the night after a full moon and they were all recovering. "And we aren't leaving until you eat something. You didn't eat anything yesterday. He looked at James confused, while James looked at him with narrowed eyes. #jamespotter Remus Lupin was proud to say that he was very normal, thank you very much. ", Remus nodded his head. He was already late and didn't really care about being on time at the moment. The Marauders were a group of four Gryffindors and classmates: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter. He would run into teachers in the hallway that would ask him to. The hex changed Snape's hair color. Peter said encouragingly, to which he earned a glare from Remus. "Here, drink this.". ", James smiled. I'll catch up." Leave the cloak in the tunnel so you have it for tomorrow morning.". James went and filled a glass with water. Sirius makes his way towards the man, who, as it appears, is actually a very tall man. [One-shot] Language: English Words: 5,692 Unbeknownst to them both, this is a game in which only one can be left standing. I don't know. I'm Remus Lupin, just to mention, every full moon, I turn into a blood thirsty werewolf. His eyes changed to bright gold. Sirius said. Kanti found herself out by the lake. Remus asked as he pulled his pajamas pant on. #fiction He swam up from the clouds of dreams and memories into a world that was too bright and too quiet. Fanfiction Author Original From her dark hair sweeping below her waist to her soft, sexy curves, Tenley Page intrigues tattoo artist Hayden Stryker in a way no one else ever has…especially when she asks him to ink a gorgeous, intricate design on her back. Lupin?". ", Remus took his school robe off and threw it onto a bed. "All the teachers know and won't blame you if you skip today and tomorrow and the day after the full moon. After History of Magic, the three boys went to lunch and ate quickly before grabbing a napkin and filled it with sandwiches. We're just looking for Remus. "You're in the competition. "Remy, don't disappear like that again. Article by Fanpop. Everything is planned out and they are all looking forward for the 8 weeks full of fun. One a Marauder, the other a Prefect, both brilliant and marvellous in their own right and, according to Sirius, both complete idiots. He stops in front of the man, who apparently does not notice Sirius, so he clears his throat. "Also, you need to think of an excuse as to why you disappeared. Mother. Remus's POV. They skidded to a stop in front of the Hospital Wing and entered it quietly, so Madam Pomfrey wouldn't yell at them. I-I'm c-covered in bites and s-scratches…W-why would I be o-okay?". "Remus." Remus nodded his thanks and drank the water in two large gulps. The stag and dog waited for the rat as he was struggling to keep up with his small legs. He glanced at Remus and stopped himself from discussing the prank. Madam Pomfrey smiled sadly. "It's just a scratch. A gold and red plumed bird sat on a stand by the window - a phoenix, Remus recognized it from his copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The glass hummed from the movement of the train and condensation had begun to form at the tops of the windows, light catching the small droplets as they sat against the glass. More details. "Yeah, I think." Remus asked as he stepped inside. McGonagall asked, shocked. We'll tell the teachers you aren't feeling well. If he went to the shack now, then he wouldn't have to listen to their lecture until he was better. "He might have seemed like he was lying because he's upset." James said, jumping off his bed. Nicknames of the Marauders used amongst themselves and in the creation of the Marauders Map. "You need to eat to keep your strength up." "Where is Mr. Kanti found herself out by the lake. Everyone was laughing at him and nobody expected the three young pranksters. But even more than these fears, he feared missing the first few days of lessons. 50 The Marauders: The Beggining » by Moon-wolf2 James and Sirius the leaders of the Marauders at Hogwarts. The Marauders and their best friend Arabella Bright have finished their 5th year at Hogwarts and are spending the summer at James' house without his parents. Remus shifted in his bed and looked at the clock. Never had he ever witnessed a full moon on the first night of the term in Hogwarts, and he was scared. Remus pulled the curtains closed around his bed. Mother. Sirius said. "What are you doing here? The teachers would pull Remus aside after class to ask if he was alright. Found inside'It's coming - the postponeless Creature' Electrifying poems of isolation, beauty, death and eternity from a reclusive genius and one of America's greatest writers. James replied. He joked, inspecting Remus's stubby nails. I have to catch up on my homework and get all the notes I missed. Fallout: Equestria is a crossover fan-fiction between the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic television series and the Fallout video game series. "Hmm. . He owned exactly seventeen socks—yes, he had counted. His body gave violent jerks as all his bones began to grown and his internal organs shrunk and his external parts changed shape. He put the glass on the dresser next to Remus's bed and pulled the curtain back. In Transfiguration, McGonagall looked at the three boys. Sirius didn't look convinced, but shrugged his shoulders at James, who sighed. Sirius said. anything for our moony, the marauders, marauders, atyd, all the young dudes, wolfstar, fanfic, jily, remus, remus lupin, lupin, moony, the dude, wolf star, padfoot, sirius black, mskingbean89, alltheyoungdudes, algae, yoshitaka amano, marauders era, atyd best, atyd funny, atyd memes, atyd quotes, atyd trending, atyd trendy, best atyd, atyd 7 . #era "I understand," Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling, "There are so many new things to experience that the time has snuck upon you. He's got no reason." "Remus! "Get some sleep.". And before too long I'll get the letter telling me you've has been placed… "I kinda like it.". Since the rest of the Marauders had joined him, the injuries had become less frequent and less severe, but he still liked having the excuse to sleep as long as he could. Sirius asked. Nearby was the tree that she somehow always ended up near. Sirius asked. I missed two days of school." "Why? ", The Reformation of the Knights of Walpurgis, The Marauders: Years Two & Three & Beyond. Just like you are going to join us for the prank in a few days." "I'll say. Remus watched as James talked quietly with the old witch, a look of worry evident on her face, and a small nod ending the conversation. He sat down in a heavy chair behind the desk, motioning for Remus to sit in the chairs opposite him. #harry James laughed. Wormtail. "Nothing. When they asked him about it, he yelled at them to leave him alone and he went to sleep earlier than usual, forget about his homework. "Thanks Madam Pomfrey." Sirius growled. "Mr. 154 parts. He sounded scared at the idea of his friends seeing him here. Hours later, when the full moon was high in the sky, casting light over the forbidden forest and the grounds around Hogwarts, the four boys were safely locked away in the shrieking shack. James exclaimed, nudging Remus with his foot from the other side of the carriage. "What?". My. James returned and patted Remus on the back. James grumbled. Padfoot. Sirius called to him. "Honestly Remus? He pulled the curtains shut around Remus's bed. 7/5 c93 18 miniandminie Oh. "Yes. From the moment they step onto the Hogwarts Express, the Marauder's Fourth Year at Hogwarts is explosive. But the moment Remus took a step onto the stairwell he discovered that it magically came to life and the stairs began to move upward, carrying him without a single mite of effort from his part. We're going to go straight to the shack after dropping our cases off." "Yes, you are. They were afraid he would disappear again. Peter frowned and looked at Remus's bed. We do the prank Monday night. Imagine helping the Marauders make the map. "Cheer up Moony!" Wormtail = Peter Pettigrew, refers to being a rat Animagus. "What?". HP~HP~HP~HP~HP~HP~HP~HP~HP. And you never made it to breakfast and you were half an hour late to Defense." Imagine the Marauders sneaking into your room when you're sick. Found inside – Page 1Collects Justice League Dark/Wonder Woman: The Witching Hour #1, Wonder Woman/Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour #1, Wonder Woman #56-57 and Justice League Dark #4. "I….I went home to visit my mom. She approached swiftly and said, "Professor Dumbledore has requested a moment to speak with you in his office before you go to your next class. The three friends entered their dorm laughing and made their way to Remus's bed. "Get to class, Mr. Remus whispered, as he slid into the tunnel. Act like everything is normal. "You got really caring friends. Harry Meets the Marauders . I must ask you to go to the shrieking shack for the safety of your new friends, though, Remus, and return once you've recovered from the change. "Actually, you looked ready to collapse yesterday. He was leaning back so his chair had only two legs on the ground, they had quickly learned that this was a habit of his. Authors Note: Enjoy! But for now, we'll believe him.". Awesome. Found insideFrom #1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Black, the first book in a stunning new series about a mortal girl who finds herself caught in a web of royal faerie intrigue. When they reached the Whomping Willow, Madam Pomfrey found a long stick and prodded a knot near the ground. "Remus, stay in bed today. "I'll explain when Remus is better. Sirius pulls a "prank" on Snape, sending him into the Whomping Willow to encounter Remus . wolfstar, all the young dudes, atyd, anything for our moony, marauders, remus lupin, fanfic, jily, the marauders, moon, remus, cute moon, moon lover, quest Anything for our Moony Tapestry By Kundan Pathak "You know, Mum used to tell me that those stars are dead people." Said Remus suddenly. Thanks by the way." Found insideHow Lady Charlotte takes a bitter and frightening revenge on Serla and the Marquis and how they both eventually find the love they are seeking is all related in this exciting and unusual story by BARBARA CARTLAND. #moony The next day James, Sirius, and Peter all got up early. So can we see him? The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned. March rolled in with biting cold wind and ice, but no snow so that when the sun rose during the days everything was wet and slick outside and everyone stayed indoors. Nearby was the tree that she somehow always ended up near. Rolling out of bed and onto the floor, the young werewolf crawled to his dresser and pulled his uniform out. On the evening of Marauders' very first full moon outing, Lucius Malfoy returns to Hogwarts as the youngest governor on the board to give the doddering old board a tour. "Fine. The Train. His friends greeted him and they started eating. From what I understand - when you have a friend, who isn't a girl, and he vanishes once a month to do something in secret, you start to get suspicious. "We are going to compete to see who can get the most detentions in the next seven years. Found insideCollects Han Solo (2016) #1-5. Peter replied. Madam Pomfrey replied kindly, smiling at them. We thought he might have come here. She jumped back into teacher mode. Seeing no way out, the wolf ran around the house scratching at the wall and itself. Carefully curated by the British Library and full of extraordinary treasures from all over the world, this is an unforgettable journey exploring the history of the magic at the heart of the Harry Potter stories. James got an ugly look on his face. He pulled his pajama shirt on and jumped onto his bed. James demanded from next to Sirius. Complete. "I am very sorry that the cycle is this close to the beginning of the school year, but I've sent a note to Professor Viridi letting her know that it is I who have kept you from your first Herbology class so that you are excused and I'm afraid you may miss your first Defense Against the Dark Arts as well... but if you do, I shall inform Professor Tutman as well. He was leaning back so his chair had only two legs on the ground, they had quickly learned that this was a habit of his. He grabbed his bag and pulled out a bunch of scrolls and put them on Remus's bed. But there are untold stories, stories that only the four of them know. Just In. Remus came out of the bathroom with nothing but boxers on. Marauders Era (Harry Potter) (96) Smut (79) Angst (78) Reader-Insert (59) Marauders (56) Fluff and Angst (53) Hogwarts (46) Fluff and . The four attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971 - 1978. That was until one night he heard another creature howling at the moon. Since the cramps obviously hadn't . On the other side of Lily was a girl named Alice and across from them was a boy named Severus. He was already eating when three people joined him. The Marauders: Moony Fanfiction. A sharp, edgy look at the hot topics interesting young girls today, presented in a dynamic way to make them accessible to readers of all abilities. [One-shot] Language: English Words: 5,692 The story of Alex Stryker, and the ways his life change after being bitten by a werewolf. "Right.". He would much rather not have to listen to their lecture when he wasn't feeling well. I'll wake you up when it's time for dinner." Quidditch. Remus growled, voice muffled by his pillow. #remus The boys all stopped, but Remus waved the other three on and turned back to see what it was that Professor McGonagall wanted. "I told him to stay in bed today. It's just a little scratch." As it turns out, plenty. "Where did you find a charm like that?" Remus explained. He just stared up, watching the landing far above him slowly come closer and closer... At the very top, he stepped off onto a landing and the stairs ground to a halt behind him. #marauders When they looked around, Remus was nowhere to be seen. McGonagall smiled at him. His already pale skin was getting paler. James, Sirius, and Peter stood in the back of the classroom watching Remus and Professor Rana. "You're taking notes?" rec harry potter fic remus lupin sirius black james potter lily evans marauders au jily flowerpott peter pettigrew marauders angst marauders fluff marauders fanfiction canon divergence angst with a happy ending remus x sirius . When he awoke hours later he still looked as though he had not slept in days, and they knew that there was nothing they could do to ease his pain and side effects. "I kinda like it.". When Noel's and Lettice's hidden truths are revealed, will the deceptions and misunderstandings ruin their chances for happiness? Or will there be a miracle hidden in An Earl's Christmas Embrace? Within a couple of minutes, Kanti had learned the names of the others in the apartment. Remus walked up to the door and hesitated, then raised his fist, which seemed comparably tiny, and knocked on the door. ", "Right." He kneeled by his dresser to get his pajamas. Instead he thought like a wild animal. Remus asked. I don't want to find you out of this bed, got it?" Jan 26, 2019 - Read Chapter 13: Full Moon from the story Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITING by Sadie_Hook with 4,343 reads. Don't you know us at all?" Most tellingly, "the other night" was a full moon night, and Lily does not wonder why Snape went down to the Whomping Willow if he had expected a werewolf. I hated the full moon. "Crud, we have charms with the Slytherins.". The four decide to go ahead anyway, because as Sirius says, what could go wrong? Forum. Remus, in his wolf form, bound through the long grass until stopping to howl at the glowing white orb himself, to which he was greeted by another howl almost immediately. "Remus, time to get up. Found insideExplores the history and culture of fanwriting and how it has transformed popular culture as well as reading, writing, and authorship, and includes discussions from both professional and fan writers. Their worry increased when they noticed that he skipped all the meals that day. "Drooble's Best Blowing Gum!" A teenage boy born in space makes his first trip to Earth in this engrossing sci-fi adventure for fans of The Martian from award-winning author Nick Lake. ", Madam Pomfrey nodded her head and smiled at him. Even if Daisy did like me, she'd leave me the moment she found out what I really am. Madam Pomfrey replied. His bones shrunk and his organs grew back to their normal size. "Just knock when you get to the top and the headmaster will let you in.". A thought-provoking introduction to maths relevant to everyday life, this book will change the way you look at making decisions. James put his hands on the bed and leaned forward so he was closer to Remus's face. He had to be either full of immense hatred, deeply sadistic, and/or completely lacking in conscience and empathy. He rested his head on one hand and took notes with his other hand. We still got a few hours before you have to go.". In their dorm room, Remus drop onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. I charmed it so every time we get a detention fairly, it will be added to your list. He didn't want rumors to spread about him. He liked to read and memorize 19th-century poetry, even though he wasn't very good at memorizing things. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter (or friends, family, place of residence, etc, etc) There was a living room, kitchen, and bathroom on the first floor. "Friday night. With the full moon tomorrow, he felt so weak and didn't know if he would be able to last the school day. The next morning Remus is the first awake, he's getting restless at night because it's getting close to his first full moon away from home. They had been friends for years and these days, little words were needed to convey things as they all understood each other perfectly. It seemed to go on forever. "You aren't coming with me?" Sirius ran out of the tower with his friends following him. James Potter Peter Pettigrew Sirius 2018 Marauders Map Full Moon Werewolf This book I found in my drafts, roughly two or so years ago. Remus groaned and opened his eyes. Fantasy Wolves Harry Potter Marauders Memory Lane Remus . 36. #harrypotter "Hi guys. Upon discovering they have superpowers, Adara Stromer and her childhood friends, the Stark twins, are relocated to Periculand. Remus answered. Sirius growled, making Remus flinch. #potter ", Remus shook his head and pulled his blanket over his head. ", "That reminds me." "My oldest is finally going to Hogwarts. "Madam Pomfrey!" James replied in a tone that said the discussion was over. He gave it to me." Lupin!" ", Peter looked unsure, but nervously nodded his head. The nurse smiled. He looked at James and Peter confused. Since there was a class going on, they didn't run into anyone. To his amazement his wish is answered not once, but three times by his former enemies, the Marauders. Good night." Come along and discover the true tale of the Marauders of Hogwarts... The three friends left the dorm, none of them noticing the upset look on Remus's face. "What class are you going to?". "Where did you get a set of school robes?" "Can we wait until next week? Fanfiction. Your friends came here last night looking for you." He was beginning to feel the effects of the full moon coming up. The end of February came and went with Peter still absent from the dorm. We know the trouble they got into there but how about before Hogwarts. Bernstein's memoir closes the trilogy he began at age 93 with "The Invisible Wall" and continued with "The Dream," weaving memories of his marriage with perspectives on life after his wife's death. His voice was harsh and dry. Sirius replied. James sat on Remus bed. Peter rolled his eyes. On the evening of Marauders' very first full moon outing, Lucius Malfoy returns to Hogwarts as the youngest governor on the board to give the doddering old board a tour. They would never let me out of their sight to come here an hour before the full moon, so I thought I better come now." Not a very nice dog.". They went up to their dorm and went over to Remus's bed. He said, sighing. The sky was dark and the moon had yet to rise. Peter suggested. "Maybe. #fan Madam Pomfrey explained. ", Sirius climbed off his bed and started searching through his trunks for something. "You need to eat. Remus smiled at his friends and nodded his head. Fan Art: Marauders rule. The full moon happens, and he wakes up naked next to her, finding they have bites and scratches all over the both of them. We told him to stay in bed and when we came back he was gone. Sirius replied. James smirked. He casted a spell on two rings that would signal if one needed the other. This original collection offers some of the greatest, rarest and most unusual werewolf stories ever. From the forests of Transylvania to the ordered lawns of an English country estate, here are all the classic aspects of the tale Sirius replied, as they reached the Great Hall. James and Sirius stood at the end of his bed with crossed arms and frowns planted on their faces. Understood each other perfectly we wo n't keep them apart all, what could go wrong you. 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