draco sexually abused by voldemort fanfiction

Social-pariah!Harry I highly recommend it. Protective!Harry. Poor Draco! HPDM This is a well written story with an excellent plot and wonderful visionaries. Slight mentioning of past child abuse at the hand of the Dursleys. Vulnerable!Draco Bottom!Draco Cursed!Draco Dom!Harry Boggarts and fears. Cold!But-ultimately-i-love-my-son-more-than-my-Master!Lucius. Vulnerable!Harry Victim of domestic abuse!Draco (Marcus/bottom!Draco). This collection of essays explores the diverse ways in which Shakespeare and his contemporaries experienced and imagined Europe. Nice!Snape. This fanciful, original collection for readers of all ages features arithmetic puzzles, logic problems related to crime detection, and logic and arithmetic puzzles involving King Arthur and his Dogs of the Round Table. Vulnerable!Harry HPDM ♥♥♥. You are not a monster!❞ || [all rights go to J.K.Rowling]. Who would ever know a more dangerous, dark, and pow... Valentina was an orphan girl who's adoptive mother abused her horribly. The Golden Trio befriends Draco and his little brother. Auror!Harry. That is her middle name. Polyjuice, Crucio, torture, abuse and sex. Ever since the moment she took her first breath she's been chained up like a disobedient dog. When did my life go so wrong? Pretty+Sexy!Draco !Timeline from mid-war to a few years post-war. Supportive Ron/Hermione. LOVES!! Some idiots trying to revive Voldy. And she just knows that with this plan, she'll be the ultimate Slytherin. This was too much for Harry and as his head started spinning he could hear people asking him questions and felt himself being lifted. Smitten!Harry Vulnerable!Draco Sexuality issues. Smart!Draco A wayward prank directed at the snake has an unintended outcome, bringing feelings to light James had not considered before. *One of the hurt/comfort classics in the H/D part of fandom. Light!Draco Surrounded by his dead friends and plagued by the death of Sirius, Harry wishes for a chance to redo it all from the very beginning. What is a True Slytherin? It was all my fault. Social-pariah!Draco Insecure!Draco Fanfics dealing with child abuse as a vital part of the plot. Reader - Where She Belongs. hp-kinkfest.livejournal.com/104003.html ♥♥♥♥♥♥!! Implied past actions of self-harm (Draco). Heavy Ginny bashing. Draco's thought process wanders back to the Goblet of Fire, which flickers into red flames again. Draco Malfoy is assigned to look after him, and does so to protect his own self interest. Jealous+Possessive!Draco This volume discusses 'fandoms' as diverse as Jane Austen, Blake's 7 and The Bill. In the silence that followed, Draco was forced to hear himself saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry …" over and over again. Outdoor kisses and cuddles by the lake :D #No sex. Then, he and several teachers get the evidence that a student is being abused. ♥♥♥. (But it's a little bit disturbing in some parts - READ THE WARNINGS!! I'm not sure that I ever did. *Contains evil!abusive!Lucius, Seven League Boots, spying ghosts, some Justin Finch-Fletchley/Draco (coupled with elements of BDSM), a bit of Harry/Cho, an almost Harry/Draco/Justin love triangle. Pretty+Sexy!Draco On a visit at Hogwarts, he notices Draco Malfoy acting strange. She has only harnessed the slightest amount of her power. *Auror partners!Harry and Draco. When her fourth year self is somehow chosen for the Triwizard Tournament, she is surprised but determined to win. Bottom!Draco If he thought the first time was terrible, he really has no idea. The aftermath of Draco choosing to do the right thing. A bit of Lupin bashing. Vulnerable!Draco archiveofourown.org/...133294 One fateful day, Albus Dumbledore visits her in Azkaban and petitions for her release from Hogwarts. Cute Ron/Hermione. Cute transition from (secret)friends to lovers. Terrified!Insecure!Self-sacrificing(for Harry)!Smitten!Draco. You taught me something true (Harry potter love story), The Riddle of Life (Sirius/James/Remus love story (Readers' Choice)) Marauders Era, Until The End Of Time | A Draco Malfoy Love Story [ under heavy editing ], Amelia riddle and the secrets of hogwarts. Protective!Draco What happens when a giant man turns up one day and tells her she's a witch and she was ... Stacey Snape is the unwanted daughter of none other than Severus Snape. Voldemort finds a way to destroy the wizarding world even after his death. Vulnerable!Draco Eleven thousand years ago a god was born. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron endured a lifetime of hatred. His human death unleashed an unspeakable horror that almost destroyed the earth. Harry has risen onto his feet, staring at the Goblet as if it were going to give him the answer to his life's questions. Nightmares and comforting afters (Goyle, with Draco comforting him). The Slytherins grow on them. (Y/N) had gotten a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcaft and Wizardry, and her parents were both wizards themselves. Horcrux possession. Social-pariah!Draco Sex:Switching Raised in the shadow of Draco Malfoy, she grew up with a thirst to prove herself worthy of being feared and revered. HPDM The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. Draco, on the other hand, has been in love, but that love nearly killed him. Cold!But-ultimately-i-love-my-son-more-than-my-Master!Lucius. Bottom!Draco When he runs into a banged up, skittish Draco Malfoy on the train after Christmas break, his suspicions are raised. The pain of the Mark being carved into his arm was . Jealous+Possessive!Harry Harry and his cuddly moose toy and childish drawings. Narcissa has a soft spot for Harry. (Or How Harry and Draco Discover That Their Children Are Okay With the Idea of Their Co-population) by emi_chirescue, For the Sake of Grades by frankiesunflower, www.fanfiction.net/...For_the_Sake_of_Grades, The Beginning of Reality by amightypenguin. Sexuality issues. And Draco Malfoy, who turned his back on both Voldemort and his own family. Insecure!Draco Gasps sound from the room as the Goblet pops with sparks, singeing some of the students. H/D and office desk sex!Summary: As the tenth anniversary of the War approaches, a difficult case at St Mungo's forces Harry to seek the assistance of his former enemy and face the past. Found insideNow, in The Psychology of Harry Potter, leading psychologists delve into the ultimate Chamber of Secrets, analyzing human mind and motivation by examining the themes and characters that make the Harry Potter books the bestselling fantasy ... , , ! Draco-worshipping!Kreacher. Found insideWayward Son is the stunning YA novel by the bestselling author of Fangirl and Carry On, Rainbow Rowell. With all of her signature wit and heart, this is Rainbow at her absolute best. This edition includes two beautiful illustrations. Until one day- her eleventh birthday she recieves something and everything changes. Harry squeezed back. Cursed!Draco Mute!Teddy (result of a curse). Insecure!Draco YOU NEED TO FRIEND HER TO READ!Summary: Is it possible to capture a dragon when you suddenly find one within your reach? Something changes in him and ... ~pt 2 of series~draco malfoy fanfic~ Featuring evil!abusive!Lucius, frigid-but-still-cares-somewhat-for-her-son!Narcissa, best friend(Draco's)!Vincent Crabbe, house elf Biddy, graphic torture, blood, Mislocator magical compass, dagger coated with icy potion, excessive use of Unforgivables, potion to suck magic and life (Soul's Eclipse) + counter potion (to use as an anchor/shield/sacrifice), forced Legilimency, mind-cast Crucio, mindfuck, wandless magic, wandless healing, (attempted)suicide by self-starving, sacrificing(for Harry)!Draco, snake bite + anti-venom potion, spell to bury someone in leaves, faerie ring + music, sleeping back-to-back, forest tracking/camping, temporary bonding, Draco is hydrophobic (fear of water) due to past trauma and Harry has abandonment issues... plus Oblivious!Harry. ♥♥♥. I remember reading an incomplete story about an abused Harry being saved by Voldemort and his Death Eaters a couple months back. *Beautifully written and very touching!! But as time goes by, you realize...perhaps everything isn't what it seems... Astrid Riddle couldn't help her parentage. Nyx Riddle is not your ordinary witch, she is a metamorphmagus, but she is also the lone child of Voldemort. serpentinelion.livejournal.com/363798.html Graphic torture, rape, gore, Werewolf mauling, heavy bouts of Cruciatus (and its after-effects), forced mindfuck, spell to link mind and magic together with Legilimency, Horcrux destroying, camping in the woods, Blood magic, spell to disrupt Dark Mark Summons and nightmares. Recluse+Exiled!Draco Protective!Draco De-aged!Harry. . Celebrate 20 years of Harry Potter magic! Or the fact that her eyes kept changing when she got mad, sad or anxious. *fans self* Sexy!Summary: When Draco Malfoy's mental health mysteriously declines, he is placed under the care of the only person he responds to: Harry Potter. *Redeemed!Still in-character!Martyr!Draco. You were put in this house for a reason, and you belong with me." . The girl with no friends. The girl with no friends. , . Protective!Harry ♥♥♥. The girl who is bullied by her own brother. Social-pariah!Draco Playing Quidditch together, skating, swimming and generally hanging out together. Bottom!Draco HPDM Pining!Draco Sex:Switching I brought him back. Tom Marvolo Riddle, Draconis Lucius Abraxas Malfoy. ♥♥♥. *BLOODY BRILLIANT ♥♥♥!! Found insideCarry On is a ghost story, a love story and a mystery. It has just as much kissing and talking as you'd expect from a Rainbow Rowell story - but far, far more monsters. Found insideKidnapped as a teenage girl, Ma has been locked inside a purpose built room in her captor's garden for seven years. When you first meet Cedric Diggory, you find him stupid, and don't care for him at all. Boggarts and fears. Features cute big brother!Draco (Draco has an adorable younger sibling whom he dotes upon - a rather OOC!Draco but then again, almost everybody is OOC here, but not in a bad way). The tropes and themes of J. K. Rowling's massively popular series are interpreted within the context of its audience. Insecure!Harry Contains fatherly!Snape (to Draco), a vicious curse used to brand 'traitors', abusive!Lucius, protective!motherly!Narcissa, minor character death, Draco as an affectionate drunk, nightmares, Draco teaching Harry sword-fighting techniques and other hurt/comfort scenes.NOTE: AUTHOR F-LOCKED CERTAIN ENTRIES. Protective!Harry OMG SO MUCH LOVE!! Learning to accept one's self, both the good and the bad... and the odd. Nightmares and comforting afters (Goyle, with Draco comforting him). EPIC!!! Vulnerable!Draco You've been raised in a Muggle-hating family your whole life. An alternative take on events directly after HBP. Sex:Switching *Cute getting-together!fic with the kids trying to match-make Harry and Draco together. Recluse+Exiled!Draco Some idiots trying to revive Voldy. Low Self-Esteem!Draco Harry teaching Draco how to cast a Patronus and Draco helping Harry with Potions work. Auror partners!Harry&Draco (specializing in crimes involving children). *8th year. Abused!Harry... while Draco has his own issues. #No sexSummary: Ickle Harry wants to stay with his newest hero. You laughed and cried with me and let me experience things I never thought I would. Both H and D tending to an abused little girl with uncontrollable wild magic. The Malfoys took her in and raised her as theirs as her father went to get reveng... ❝ No! "Y-yes, alright." Draco says quietly. That's the second time in so many days I've crashed at a sporting activity. And to cap it all off, I now have a wet arse. Featuring the Slytherins as a tight knit group of friends, protective!Draco over Goyle. Cursed!Draco Or does he? Smitten!Draco Something that people have told others just to make an average person seem more heroic at the end of the tale. www.fanfiction.net/...Dirty_Business Pinky promises to make each other happy, among another things. Jealous+Possessive!Harry. They had abused her, as long as she could remember (Y/n)'s mother always tol... Draco Malfoy X Abused! Smitten!Draco Draco Malfoy Severus Snape Sirius Black Remus Lupin Sarah Jane Smith Ethan Vega Gryffindor Slytherin The Girl Who Lived Bullied Abused. Bottom!Draco Protective!Harry Smitten!Harry References to Harry's awful childhood at the hands of the Dursleys = it messed Harry up a little. #Switching but it's more bottom!Draco than bottom!HarrySummary: Draco finds his own way to cope with being a failed Death Eater at Voldemort's headquarters. Flangsty pining. Construction of dreams, hopping between dreams/memories. A thought-provoking introduction to maths relevant to everyday life, this book will change the way you look at making decisions. *EPICNESS TOO AWESOME TO PUT INTO WORDS ♥♥♥♥♥♥!!! Hero-slash-Harry's-guardian!Draco. *BLOODY BRILLIANT ♥♥♥!! Harry's tattoo. Pining!Harry Author's warnings: age difference (18/30), size!kink, dub-con, Alpha/Omega, heat cycle, knotting, bareback, fisting, very light D/s, double penetration, implied mpreg, jailbait flashback, underage sex flashback (14/16), crying during sex, dirty talk, too many gratuitous sex scenes (is this a warning?). Protective!Harry Sex:Switching Cursed!Draco Draco's Patronus. Harry has serious abandonment issues and other insecurities (there are times he'd go into gloomy mood and thinks he's unwanted and family-less). She just thought it was the l... Power. Powerful!Harry #No sex. Discovered ... "You were the one who told me who I really was and the only one who ever stood up to me. In the early 2000s, Rose Christo was separated from her five-year-old brother and shuttled between foster homes in Brooklyn to the Bronx and back again. And maybe, just maybe, her father will be happy again. Forgiveness. *Inception movie inspired. hd-smoochfest.livejournal.com/96392.html After the death of her estranged grandmother, Marisa Marrero finds herself bequeathed a surprising inheritance: a house in the New Orleans French Quarter, left to her with a variety of bizarre conditions attached. It effects Harry's life too, in a way no-one expected. “Always perfectly magical.” —Neil Gaiman A timeless classic with brand-new cover art! Diana Wynne Jones’s bestselling, magical, and funny Chrestomanci novels will enchant fans of Soman Chainani, Rick Riordan, and Chris Colfer. Cursed!Harry Dom!Harry HPDM She was no different from anyone else growing up - except her eyes. Slight handicap on Draco's left arm because of Dark Mark. One day she brushes hands with the Potter boy one day and feels slight fluttering in her heart and she doesn't know what to thi... Bellatrix and Rodolphus were trying to have children but every time she was expecting them she had a miscarriage, one day her and Rodolphus had a fight and she and Voldemort well you know what they did and she was expecting his child but she didn't get her hopes up too high about it because she ... Everyone has heard about Harry Potter, the boy who lived but what if Voldemort and Bellatrix had a daughter...one was a little crazy and never really fit in with her mother’s family. Sunchi had reunited with her dad. Cute house unity + slow get-together fic! Past child abuse. hd-smoochfest.livejournal.com/86599.html Pretty+Sexy!Draco *Sex slave/prostitute!Draco. *Inception movie inspired. Sequels: For the Love of a Child: YEAR TWO, For the . Two Black scavengers emerge from the underbrush loaded with their total possessions: the makings of a shack and a battery of pots and pans, but nothing to cook in them. Protective!Harry STILL, I LOVE IT ANYWAY!! Bottom!Draco Pretty+Sexy!Draco The unsettling dreams begin for small-town reporter Will Barbee not long after he first meets the mysterious and beautiful April Bell. HPDM *Creature!fic AU. Poor Draco! I killed people. With the rise of mega blockbuster films based on these books in recent years, the young adult genre is being co-opted by curious adult readers and by Hollywood producers. HPDM Death Eater!Draco turned Light Side. *Creature!fic AU. Sub!Draco Well she would be called Dabria Narcissa Riddle. Smitten!Draco Bottom!Draco Harry is captured after setting off on his own to find the remaining Horcruxes, and is kept alive for Voldemort's own nefarious games. Smitten!Harry "I understand that during your long incarceration you were abused and assaulted by several of Voldemort's supporters, including being severely tortured by the witch Bellatrix Lestrange and others, by means of Unforgivable curses and other methods. Back in the Marauders era, James Potter drives sustenance from harassing the thin Slytherin, Severus Snape. )Summary: As the heir to a multi-million-dollar corporation, Draco is surprised that this is only the second time he's been kidnapped. Smitten!Harry But not for too long. Draco Malfoy X Abused! community.livejournal.com/carpexdraconis *SO INCREDIBLY CUTE!! Other memorable things to take note: Evil!Slytherins (and Lucius and the Death Eaters), Narcissa committing suicide, one of Draco's "other" personalities include a 6-year-old child, Draco has a penchant for climbing into Harry's lap for comfort or tucking his face in the crook of Harry's shoulder, Harry helping Draco get dressed/bathe... even lulling him to sleep, Ron getting angry at Harry, an old Black protection curse - the Ancestral Rite, getting kidnapped by baddies, having nightmares, teenage angst, teenage lusty hormones :p Happy ending#Mostly bottom!Draco. 1 bottom!Harry scene in between flashbacks of bottom!Draco in the last chapter. Sex:Switching Potions Professor!Draco (who's also little Harry's guardian). HPDM But he won't find a quick dead, just like most of his friends and enemies. Smitten!Draco Cursed!Harry Vulnerable!Draco You laughed and cried with me and let me experience things I never thought I would. Playing Quidditch together, skating, swimming and generally hanging out together. *Contains evil!abusive!Lucius, Seven League Boots, spying ghosts, some Justin Finch-Fletchley/Draco (coupled with elements of BDSM), a bit of Harry/Cho, an almost Harry/Draco/Justin love triangle. Bottom!Draco Light!Draco Shy!Draco The young girl was scared. Victims of violence self-justifying the abuse done to them in a desperate bid for love. Slight handicap on Draco's left arm because of Dark Mark. Cute Ron/Hermione. Language warning. Powerful!Harry Vulnerable!Harry *sniffles* It has a happy ending though - he has Harry and Harry will never let him get hurt again.READ THE WARNINGS! References to possible child abuse (the Malfoys, evil!abusive!Lucius). hd-smoochfest.livejournal.com/15920.html *LOVES!! Outdoor kisses and cuddles by the lake :D #No sex, *Auror partners!Harry and Draco. Slight mentioning of past child abuse at the hand of the Dursleys. Summary: Au DH. Vulnerable!Draco Their lives will never be the same again. Smitten!Harry. The secret child of Voldemort and the ice queen Freya. "You were the one who told me who I really was and the only one who ever stood up to me. Smitten!Harry Smart!Harry Cursed!Draco It is very, very, very loosely inspired by Pride and Prejudice, among other things. Implied past child abuse and Lucius as the possible abuser. Absolutely gorgeous characterisation of Harry and Draco!Summary: It is a swashbuckling tale of love, friendship, romance, redemption and vengeance, and of the messy business of coming to terms with the differences between who you are and who other people want you to be. She had cried herself to sleep after she was separated from Harry and she was now wrapped in a bundle of blankets in Dumbledore's arms. A bit of Lupin bashing. He stopped the man killing her and apparated her out to someone's manor. This is not a hoax. Jim Theis was a real person, who wrote The Eye of Argon in all seriousness as a teenager, and published it in a fanzine, Osfan in 1970. But the story did not pass into the oblivion that awaits most amateur fiction. Sex:Switching Overprotective!Narcissa. Legilimens/Occlumency expert!Draco. hd-holidays.livejournal.com/239995.html www.fanfiction.net/1 ❞ ... Celena Montez has been abused and hit on, and flirted with many times, in her life. Smitten!Draco The two boys grow closer as time goes on, as does Draco and Pansy with the trio. Pining!Draco I’ve never really said it before. Hero-slash-Harry's-guardian!Draco. Outdoor kisses and cuddles by the lake :D #No sexSummary: Harry and Ron are forced to share a dormitory with Draco and Goyle. He stopped the man killing her and apparated her out to someone's manor. Ambivalent Lucidity by Sakai Michiba/Sakaim, Relations: Family and Otherwise by jasmasson, Lingering Effects of Miscommunication by kowaiyoukai, The Cuckoo's Egg in the Blitherng Humdinger Nest by b00kaddict, Pinky Promises Are Powerful Magic by megyal, serpentinelion.livejournal.com/363798.html, S.W.A.G.
How Many Volumes Of Monthly Girl Nozaki-kun, Shepherd University Application Fee, Docdroid Letters From Christopher, Harry Potter Owns A Nightclub Fanfic, Valse Di Fantastica Guitar Tab, Responsive Menu Show And Hide On Click, Fifa 21 Fiorentina Squad, Charlotte Tilbury Glow Kiss, Harry Potter Fanfiction Muggle Military,