soilleireachd pronunciation

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. [nas ionnsaichte; as astute]: aig a bheil no a 'sealltainn comas air rudan a mhothachadh agus a thuigsinn gu soilleir: inntinn biorach no . Tha na h - uisgeachan fo dhìon Comraich Mara Nàiseanta Florida Keys nan dachaigh don treas sgeir corail bacaidh as motha san t - saoghal agus bidh iad a ’comharrachadh milleanan de luchd - tadhail gach bliadhna. Coltach ris an sgeir corail fhèin ... tha a slige làidir air a dhèanamh le calcium carbonate. Thanks, Gwen. Regards. You have images beside your results. Is e droch naidheachd a tha sin airson sgeirean corail agus planctan a tha a ’dèanamh ocsaidean. Air a chur ri chèile le. Prìs : bho 129.99 € aig . Bha beachd - bharail tùs corail atoll 2014 a ’moladh gun robh an coconut air sgapadh ann an dòigh hopaidh eileanach a’ cleachdadh na atolls corail beaga, uaireannan neo - ghluasadach. some other languages the name of the cuckoo is even nearer to the. A casual reader will go away with the impression that Cuil's main problems Chaidh an deasachadh roimhe den HD Benchmark a mholadh leis an New York Times, Widescreen Review, Home Theatre Magazine agus dusanan de chlò-bhualadh eile Sheall aon de na pàisdean corail as fheàrr leam a - riamh ceart às deidh Hurricane Omar. cope with load. Imo this section should be rewritten.--Eusc (talk) 12:08, 11 October 2012 (UTC), Removed a big insertion on "Cuil Theory". . Glosbe. I possibly overstated the difference to make it clear that there was some confusion in this case. Seata bogsa de na h-òrain as brèagha de Herve Vilard Co-chruinneachadh de na h-òrain as fheàrr le Herve Vilard, bidh e comasach dhi èisteachd ris a 'chlàr ann an lùb. l ^ h ^ X A X c L , C m a c L No Dave Burdicks? Tha na h - eileanan sin gu tur air an dèanamh suas de atolls corail, agus gu cuibheasach timcheall air dà mheatair os cionn ìre na mara. Our's, for instance, is kind of a newspaper highlight. Bovlb (talk) 17:50, 28 July 2008 (UTC), Interesting enough, reading that, I looked into it a bit farther. Found insideReproduction of the original: The Daft Days by Neil Munro Merci et bravo pour votre impartialité ! Scottish Gaelic English Scottish Gaelic English soidhneadh digiteach soidhnich le còd sòidiam Sòidium soie soilire soilleir soilleireachadh soilleireachd . I fear CUIL is in cahoots with the political left and if that's the case, at least half of their potential users will find out quick and continue to use the more fair and balanced Google.tradamericaTradamerca (talk) 01:37, 4 August 2008 (UTC), Look at the categories in the right bar, in this search for example: diff --git a/compat/test_strnstr b/compat/test_strnstr new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e046b547e9a41e48e8e5102754387eab75ffe1ad . Nor has image relevance improved in the months since. Sgrùdadh beul-aithris Gaulish-Gallic. Àm ri teachd airson sgeirean corail na cruinne? ceart gu leòr, bidh sinn a ’tòiseachadh a’ toirt a ’chorail a - mach Pìos le pìos. Tha sgeirean corail mar aon de na h - eag - shiostaman mara as ainmeil san t - saoghal, agus am fear as motha dhiubh an sgeir bacaidh mòr. This pronunciation, as palatal " nt ", occurs generally in the dialect for the palatal ~ group " thn ", gheibhear am fuaimneachadh seo, mar " nt " phalatach, am bitheantas san dualchainnt a tha ann air a' chòmhlan-chonsan " thn " phalatach. -Revised and expanded 2nd Ed of the award-winning, Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary. -Includes more than 85,000 words, and approximately 1000 new terms. First edition sold over 3500 copies. I expect fair payment if my work is used commercially, so I've given them the option of removing my images or paying me. Tha sinn air ceumannan a ghabhail gus planaichean gnìomh a chuir an gnìomh agus obair adhartachadh ann an raointean fòcas leithid riaghladh sgeirean corail, turasachd seasmhach agus foghlam àrainneachd. Or, perhaps, Bla is a thing which creators wanted to do something and which unfortunately doesn't., how can one be cynic writing so? There will probably be some reliable sources next week. Proposal. It is explicit the will of the autor to express his own opinion instead of simply dissertate about the subject in question. Amide10806 (talk) 04:27, 16 November 2008 (UTC), I second this. [4]" - as the article states. Hazel is translated as calltunn. But we should give it a chance. If an enciclopaedia article may be as straight as possible, and in this particular case, must have a structure like: Bla is a thing that do something. We may have trivia sections as well, but it is secondary. Looks to me like they muddled something in some take on the tale of Finn McCuill, along with the character's name, with the wholly separate word cuil and its Gaelic meanings. Is e an sgeir corail prìomh àite na sgìre. Scottish Gaelic English soidhnich le còd sòidiam Sòidium soie soilire soilleir soilleireachadh soilleireachd soilleireachd is aithghearrachd soilleirich . Mariam-t (talk) 13:57, 29 July 2008 (UTC), This article includes some interesting details on their platform and algorithm, though I'm not sure how to rewrite it. My name is relatively uncommon, though there is an American football player who shares it, and a member of a long-defunct minor American rock band. Look through examples of soilire translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Mar sin, Coral, nuair a thuirt thu gu robh thu ag iarraidh sealladh mara, cha robh thu a ’smaoineachadh gu robh thu a’ dol a dh'fhaighinn a ’chuain gu lèir, an robh? The book presents a radical response to the defenders of animal rights, and a challenge to those who think that because they are kind to their pets, they are therefore good news for animals. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Impert (talk • contribs) 12:02, 28 December 2008 (UTC), The Cuil team is aware that anybody who understands French will laugh at the website's name and logo? We keep getting "We didn't find any results for xxxxxxx". Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. GAOLAIL: Coinnich ris an teaghlach 9-Kid, neo-theicneòlas plath a tha ri fhaicinn ann an taisbeanadh TLC ùr 'Fàilte gu Plathville' Thuirt sin, ged nach eil mòran eòlais air a bhith aig an teaghlach air cultar pop, tha sianal YouTube aca a bhrosnaicheas an ceòl soisgeil. Intranick (talk) 00:13, 29 July 2008 (UTC), Gaelic etymologies can be skeinish. John Nagle (talk) 08:31, 4 March 2015 (UTC). Gwen Gale (talk) 13:40, 30 July 2008 (UTC). Agus tha sin barrachd no nas lugha na sgeulachd mu sgeirean corail a ’Charibbean, agus a’ sìor fhàs, gu duilich, na sgeirean corail air feadh an t - saoghail. Tha Sentinel a Tuath air a chuairteachadh le sgeirean corail, agus chan eil calaidhean nàdarra ann. Learn a new word every day. Maceachen's Gaelic-English Dictionary < 3 v. J L j * - P, ' , • Q - c J - o & ^ y j t j ò b r. » t % 4" * I * s o Y & t c ò l C u J ^ t i A ^ c y ^ ) < s X < -, J H . And it was all. Look through examples of bright translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. As I am incensed by this, I will not modify the entry but leave it to other more impartial wikipedians to think about. And while we are on the subject, some of the citations are simply vague It simply means "When you search with Cuil, we *do* collect *non-personally* identifiable information". Best regards Gustavocc (talk) 18:41, 30 July 2008 (UTC), Fair enough. After February 2018, "External links modified" talk page sections are no longer generated or monitored by InternetArchiveBot. This is OR, but I've been told the employees were told at 11 AM PDT Friday, and the servers shut down An - diugh, tha Sinai air a thighinn gu bhith na cheann - uidhe turasachd mar thoradh air an t - suidheachadh nàdarra aige, sgeirean corail beairteach, agus eachdraidh a ’Bhìobaill. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2001:48F8:1053:0:487A:B545:B7BC:512D (talk) 22:42, 11 May 2016 (UTC), The content in this section reminds me of a discussion rather than an explanation for the issue. [3], [4] Bovlb (talk) 20:22, 29 July 2008 (UTC), Not that it really matters, but this discussion has made a recent posting on Language Log [5] Yngvarr (t) (c) 12:24, 30 July 2008 (UTC), I have studied both Old and Modern Irish and it is perfectly clear to me that the claimed etymology is based on the word coll 'hazel; knowledge' and its declined form cuill. By using watered down ambiguous language that can be applied to almost any article in the world, you are robbing the English language of its expressiveness, and misleading the readers of this article. Tha iad a' mìneachadh loidhnichean adhartais a tha glè shoilleir ann an litearrachd is Beurla agus àireamhachd is matamataig, agus tarsainn gach raon eile den churraicealam bho . It only means, express facts as they are. The Convener (Stewart Maxwell): Good morning, everybody, and welcome to the 16th meeting in 2015 of the Education and Culture Committee. The text focuses on the overlap between hazel, hazelnuts, salmon and their association with knowledge in certain folkloric stories. Bha na Ròmanaich a ’creidsinn gum faodadh corail clann a dhìon bho chron, a bharrachd air a bhith a’ leigheas lotan a rinn nathraichean is scorpions agus a ’lorg ghalaran le bhith ag atharrachadh dath. Mar a bhios an teòthachd ag èirigh, bidh tachartasan sèididh corail mòr agus tinneasan galair gabhaltach a ’fàs nas trice. Languagehat (talk) 12:40, 30 July 2008 (UTC), [6] states that "A famous poet fished for many years on the River Boyne ... any time he needed to know the answer to a question, he sucked his thumb." I certainly don't work for cuil and didn't change anything at all in the article. Что такое ребрендинг, зачеп он нужен и как его провести? In the case of Cuil, reviews were almost UNANIMOUSLY negative, and most of them openly ridiculed the site. This message is updated dynamically through the template {{sourcecheck}} (last update: 15 July 2018). Air 5 Ògmhios 2016, chaidh Slice a leigeil a - steach gu ospadal faisg air a dhachaigh ann an Coral Springs, Florida. English - Scots Gaelic Translator. Fìor mhath airson a fhradharc. IFS CEO: Darren Roos IFS When IBM decided to move away from being a PC company, the change went relatively well with the tech industry and most of the user Glosbe. ~ harmony, co-fhuaimneachd chonsan consan m. ~ cluster . Bhiodh aon air a thoirt leatha airson aingeal beag, bha i cho brèagha; oir cha robh a swooning air lasachadh a dhèanamh air soilleireachd a h - inntinn: bha a gruaidhean carnation, agus a bilean corail. I suggest this section to be rewritten as a whole to fit in the Wikipedia's philosophies. As this is a stated policy by cuil to do this I think there should be a section on this. Is anyone else having problems searching on Cuil? Aber bevor all dies geschieht, bevor der tausendjährige Tempel errichtet wird, wird es nach der Bestätigung des Bundes durch den assyrischen Antichristen einen weiteren Holocaust geben, der 2300 Abende und Morgen dauern wird, bis die wahre Anbetung durch den Messias wieder hergestellt wird 3 Jahre nach den Tagen der großen Trübsal. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:18, 1 August 2008 (UTC), Frankly, it's the stupidest name ever. That certainly goes a long way towards getting the criticism section considered neutral. I did a vanity search on my name, hoping that I'd be directed to my large personal website (.uk domain) that gets around 4000 hits a day. Check 'brightness' translations into Scottish Gaelic. Now, i understand the will of writing as fast as possible to enrich the encyclopaedia at the time of being, but articles like this one doesn't do so. we can do is cite their forum postings directly, instead of citing Despite finding 11,000 results for one search, when I click on page two, it craps out. ENGLISH — GAELIC. Clarity is your lifeline that instantly connects you with battle-tested advice from entrepreneurs. Scottish Gaelic English soilleir soilleireachadh soilleireachd soilleireachd is aithghearrachd soilleirich soillse soillseach soillseachaidhean soillsean . As in "cnó coill" or "hazelnuts". I don't wish anyone to take it personal. ” --Hypertext (talk) 14:02, 29 July 2008 (UTC). Tha an lagan sia cilemeatair de dh'fhaid agus 1.5 km de leud agus tha an siostam sgeirean corail as motha ann an Eilean Howe Island, a chaidh a mheasadh mar luachan le Dualchas na Cruinne. It is very important in that we have here a start-up who is trying to establish a principle of non-recognition of copyright (ie rather than recognising copyright and correcting infringements, it will only recognise copyright if you jump through hoops to complain). Ge bith a bheil thu nad neach-tòiseachaidh taigh-cluiche no calibrator proifeasanta, gheibh thu a h-uile deuchainn a dh 'fheumas tu gus do HDTV a stèidheachadh agus atharrachadh ann an Comharradh Spears agus Munsil HD. Tha Harryplax na sheòrsa de chrùbag anns a bheil an aon ghnè Harryplax severus, dùthchasach do Guam, far an lorgar e ann an sprùilleach corail far - oirthir. 70. This work is a history of Raasay and traces the island's story from the medieval period into the 20th century, showing that, far from being a carbon copy of Skye, Raasay has a history of its own, forged by its own unique attributes. A comparison of the vernacular Gaelic of Islay with that of the other dialects of Gaelic found within Argyll and Arran, and other parts of Scotland. One thing more. It is a proeminent meme on reddit. (talk) 09:37, 13 May 2009 (UTC), I agree that Cuil theory is much more relavent than the failed search engine and needs a place on Wikipedia. Tha uncail Sal mòr Isabel ag ràdh gu bheil e a ’crochadh a - mach ann an cluba ann an Coral Gables. Unfortunately Cuil added a photograph that is nothing to do with me, does not appear on my website, and is in fact a photograph of something I'd rather not be associated with. We're not newspapers columnists. What the company website does speak of is the salmon of knowledge story. We are seeing a swastika image next to a clients website. Now as you said, we're not here to make previsions about cuil's faith. Compare for example the explanation given here. The genitive of "coll" is "coill". Log in . obviously they're a startup company, they are on a budget, probably have a limited network, and times are and will be rough. . I am dissapointed this article doesn't mention the theory. "Neutrality" does not mean "bland language". at 4 PM. One thing that i realy do like is the tabs. Look through examples of soilleir translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. I remind everybody to ensure that all electronic devices, and particularly phones, are switched off at all times. Policy. (Where the word is in the nominative) See We do our best to take images from Web pages that accurately reflect the content of the website. have raised it to a position of abiding pre-eminence amongst the illuminated manuscripts of the world."—Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart. It's out of date, as almost all the comments date from the time of the launch. Symptoms included incomplete search results. Fhuair sinn an corail gorm agad an seo, solar cumhachd, criathar èadhair, inneal - uisge, plannt no dhà agus cuid de bholgain gheàrrte. It concentrated on them. Clarity of purpose definition is - a clearly stated purpose. It is a crap. Intranick (talk) 17:50, 28 July 2008 (UTC), I did a CUIL search for Fox News and it continually posted a picture of Rush Limbaugh beside the Fox News link. Gustavocc (talk) 18:22, 29 July 2008 (UTC), Can the neutrality tag on the article please be justified here, as I'm a bit confused as to the problem. Policy Development Milestone. It is ironic that at the top of the Wikipedia page this morning was the comment “ Ge bith a bheil thu nad neach-tòiseachaidh taigh-cluiche no calibrator proifeasanta, gheibh thu a h-uile deuchainn a dh 'fheumas tu gus do HDTV a stèidheachadh agus atharrachadh ann an Comharradh Spears agus Munsil HD. This is clearly a reference to the Fionn mac Cumhaill, although they chose a different spelling as there are many spellings for this name in use. Tha searbhachadh cuain a ’bagairt ath - riochdachadh corail air feadh cha mhòr a h - uile pàirt den phròiseas., It seems that it fetch categories and items in these categories from Wikipedia.... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:27, 28 July 2008 (UTC), Hey guys. Top 10 Unusually Long and Interesting Words, Vol. Multiple blogs are also blogging about issues related to not finding results or irrelevant results. As stated, the only definition for cuil in modern usage is "bug", "insect" or "fly". If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information. What a mess. Chapter III. We know from our research that people can make better and quicker decisions about relevance and quality when they can see an image from the website. Found inside – Page 179... Cuile ' m faighte féidh , Soilleireachd an t - sléibh ' Bha mi sònrachadh ... haje mi L'ian er fi : r usk'tana Standardisation of Gaelic Pronunciation . Thigeadh na sloigh chur ort failte— Dheanadh umhlachd dhuit mar Shlanui'ear, Bidh sòlas mòr am measg siol Adhamh— Thainig am Fear-saoraidh, thainig! I have just modified 3 external links on Cuil. In modern orthography, hazel translates to "coll" (again see Whether by sleight-of-hand or plain incompetence, its completely unsatisfactory as a search tool as it comprehensively misrepresents the content of genuine sites. Bha Detour a ’chas seo na roghainn eadar Ath - thogail Coral agus Deasachadh Tràigh, gnìomhan a chaidh an dealbhadh gus a thoirt air ais gu Thailand às deidh tsunami 2004. There is ample proof on the internet. The other definitions that were previously given in the article were for "cúil", which is a different word, and not based on the spelling that the company website itself uses. A policy outcome is a measure of change on the ground, resulting from a policy or combination of related policies.. A policy is a committed course of action which has been wholly decided upon, and to which a policy outcome can be attributed to with a . Also, I think it should go mentioned that this is her second attempt at a search engine, perhaps just a method to get more money out of Google. For everyone who knows the story of Fionn mac Cumhaill it is quite obvious how it came to this misinterpretation (cf. But I can find no sources supporting that. : Learn more. coral - a hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton, typically forming large reefs in warm seas. throughout its life were a misbehaving crawler and an inability to This message was posted before February 2018. That, however, is my original research. Still, might be worth looking into. Brùth agus cum an MODE . Ann an aithisg sgrùdaidh tha sgrìobhainn a dh 'fheumar a thaisbeanadh às deidh sgrùdadh air cuspair sònraichte a chrìochnachadh. I remind everybody to ensure that all electronic devices, and particularly phones, are switched off at all times. The phrase "received negative reactions" has now been changed to "received critically by some" by ZimZalaBim. Is it America-focussed? - May 2, 2017, 4:41 p.m.. From: MinaBombo <> I made the following changes: When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs. A ’seòladh bho Norfolk, Virginia 23 Iuchar 1956 airson Mayport, Florida, gus tòiseachadh air Buidheann Adhair Carrier 10, lean Coral Sea air adhart chun Mhuir Mheadhan - thìreach air an ath thuras aice. Now, about personal interests i can ensure you that my only concern here is to wikipedia. Tha prìomh oifis Ameireagaidh an - dràsta aig 2701 S Le Jeune Road ann an Coral Gables, Florida. -- (talk) —Preceding undated comment was added at 19:43, 29 July 2008 (UTC), Unfortunately, it cannot find this article if you search for "cuil" and "wikipedia" —Preceding unsigned comment added by [[User:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] ([[User talk:{{{1}}}|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/{{{1}}}|contribs]]), It's only returning one page of searches. Keep writing about what a disaster it was mentioned before that no search engine, forum, that lampoon... Gaelic English soilleir soilleireachadh soilleireachd. `` certainly would be pronouced the same as `` coill '' or `` ''! Are not always relevent but i did some quick searching to see healthy. Months since the Gaelic for knowledge and hazel. rannsachadh air dòighean airson cruadhtan,... Can find means rear or back http: // have anything to do with removals can diffs be.... 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